Raven Shield patch 1.2 uitgegeven

De al eerder besproken patch voor Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield is voor het publiek vrijgegeven. Het fixt de volgende zaken:

  • Enables interoperability between localized versions with different alphabets for internet games.
  • Fixes the “ready button” problem where players could not press it and had to
    wait for the in between round timer to run out.
  • Fixes the crash issue with the server list. The list is now displayed in a
    multi-page format with a maximum of 400 servers per page.
  • The server filter settings are now kept even when you quit the game.
  • Karma (ragdoll effect) has been updated, after much research inspired in part
    from what has been done by the community.
  • Includes support for future Linux and Windows stand alone dedicated servers.
  • Removed the network connection check that was done even when in single player
Er lijkt al weer een derde patch in de maak te zijn, want één van de notities bij de patch is de volgende:

ASE will be “officially” supported in the next patch. We are still experiencing with an easy, user-friendly way to deal with it.

Een hoop links naar de patch (en de verschillende versies ervan), zijn hier te vinden.

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