Multiplayer-patch Halo: The Master Chief Collection verschijnt vanavond

Halo: The Master Chief Collection wordt, na een korte vertraging, vanavond voorzien van een langverwachte patch. De patch moet een einde maken aan de problemen die spelers ondervinden bij de matchmaking in de multiplayer. De patch verschijnt vanmiddag, Amerikaanse tijd, dus dat zal bij ons vanavond of uiterlijk komende nacht zijn.

Naast het fixen van de matchmaking zal de patch ook enkele problemen verhelpen met de user interface, de campaign en de remakes van Halo en Halo 2. Hieronder vind je de patch notes voor wat betreft de matchmaking:

Addressed a number of issues that resulted in extended matchmaking times and low matchmaking success rates.
Made a number of updates to how matchmaking progress is communicated to the player. With this update, you’ll see better, more frequent and more informative status updates throughout the matchmaking flow – so “Players Found” for example, will be displayed to let players know where they are in the matchmaking process instead of simply wondering if it’s going to connect.
The improved matchmaking flow is as follows:
– Searching
– Searching for more players
– Players found
– Finalizing matchmaking process
– Connecting session
Made an update to ensure that parties stick together when returning from the post-game carnage report
Prevented the ability for players “kick” other players from matchmaking games
Made an update to ensure that the Roster correctly displays the “searching” UI rather than “My Game Session” while searching for players
Removed the possibility to boost ranking through a custom games exploit
Made an update to ensure that players cannot get stuck in the matchmaking screen during map voting
Made an update to ensure that the “Connecting to your game” message no longer incorrectly displays in the lower right of the screen during gameplay
Made an update to the “team creation” phase that allows players to be grouped by team
Made an update to prevent players from seeing the “connection failed” dialogue if disconnected during the map voting screen
Improved roster / matchmaking lobby stability
Made improvements to the accuracy and stability of the “Game Session Details” UI
Improved version compatibility

    squidgyboy's avatar

    ik zit nog steeds op de fix te wachten voor de achievements bug… 8)