Ubisoft en Massive Games laten weten dat er volgende week, op 25 oktober, een enorme patch uitkomt voor Tom Clancy’s The Division, versie 1.4. In september meldde de ontwikkelaar al dat het de intentie had veel elementen in de game te herzien en aan te willen passen.
Omdat de plannen zo ambitieus zijn, moesten de aankomende uitbreidingen uitgesteld worden. Nu is duidelijk geworden wat de patch notes zijn en hoeveel er veranderd gaat worden.
Bekijk hieronder de volledige lijst met aanpassingen.
New feature: world tiersUpon reaching level 30, players are now able to select a World Level Tier that controls the level of enemy NPCs encountered and the quality of the loot they drop There are a total of 4 World Level tiers: Tier 1: enemy lvl30, gear score rewards 163 Tier 2: enemy lvl31, gear score rewards 182, unlocks Challenge difficulty, unlocks Incursions Tier 3: enemy lvl32, gear score rewards 204 Tier 4: enemy lvl33, gear score rewards 229 Activity difficulty in a same World Tier (Normal, Hard, Challenging) will provide more rewards Heroic Difficulty is no longer available for any game activity. UI improvements Added a player reporting interface for PC users. Players now have the “mark as junk” option when equipping mods. Players can now mark weapon and gear items as “favorites” which locks them in their inventory. Locked items cannot be sold, shared or dismantled. Added a buyback option to vendor’s inventory. Players can now recover items they have accidentally sold. Added Quick Nav option to vendors and menus allowing players to quickly select item types they want to display. Weapon skins no longer take inventory space. Equipped items are now always displayed at the top of the inventory list. Recalibrated items now have an icon displayed next to their recalibrated stat/talent. Crafting materials can now be converted in bulk at the Crafting Station. Players can now deconstruct items from the Stash. Players now have an option to find a better server if they are currently on one that is not their best option. They can do so from the Group Management menu. Players are no longer able to open their inventory while under status effect. Recalibration bench now opens instantly instead of waiting for watch tapping animation. Gameplay changes Time-to-kill enemy NPCs has been lowered. Many improvements were made to enemy AI. Player ammo capacity has been increased by 50% after level 30. When matchmaking the game will now attempt to refill empty slots if the group privacy allows it. Incendiary and Explosive Rounds will no longer apply status effects like Stagger and On Fire. Accuracy will now be lowered for a short duration after performing a combat roll. Added a delay between leaving a group and signing up for matchmaking. Weapon magazines are now refilled when restocking from an ammo crate. The crafting material drops from the Base of Operations will now reward High-End quality after level 30. Removed scavenging from the game. Scavenging is removed as a secondary stat on all gear pieces. New gear pieces can no longer roll scavenging. The Map indicator for Rogue players now increases in size the closer they are to the player. Player grenade damage now scales with the current World Tier to ensure consistent efficiency against NPCs across World Tiers. Shotgunner NPCs: their damage falloff and accuracy have been slightly reduced. This should limit their range and lower their lethality in long to mid-range combat. Several improvements to NPC AI. Player health will now progressively regenerate to full when out of combat. Updated the ways NPCs react to Player Threat, now allowing players to more predictably manage enemy agro
Damn, dat zijn nogal wat aanpassingen. Was eerlijk gezegd toch een beetje uitgekeken op de game, maar dit maakt het wellicht weer interessanter om binnenkort toch een paar blokjes om te doen in Manhattan.
Goed om te zien dat er weer patches aan zitten te komen. Ik was eerlijk gezegd ook al wel klaar met dit spel, maar net als jij ga ik misschien toch ook maar weer eens kijken