Meer DLC voor Dying Light in 2016

Je kunt veel zeggen van Techland, maar niet dat het laks is in de ondersteuning van Dying Light. Deze zombiegame is sinds zijn release overspoeld met toffe DLC en zelfs in 2016 kunnen we nog nieuwe content verwachten, zo liet de studio deze week weten.

Veel fans vreesden dat Dying Lights licht toch echt zou doven na het recentelijk verschenen The Following, maar niets is minder waar. Techland CEO Pawel Marchewka vertelt in een open brief dat we het hele jaar nog nieuwe DLC kunnen verwachten:

To make sure that every new or veteran player gets all the fun they deserve, we have decided to continue our support for Dying Light at least till the end of this year. We are already working on new unannounced content, so stay tuned for our future news.
Volgens Marchewka motiveerden de positieve reacties op The Following het ontwikkelteam om meer content te produceren. Wat we in 2016 precies kunnen verwachten, zal de komende maanden onthuld worden. Marchewka’s volledige brief vind je hieronder.
Dear Players,

While the launch of Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition is only a few days behind us, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the support, feedback, and faith you have shown us. We have received countless words of encouragement, praise and constructive criticism – I would like you to know we appreciate and listen closely to everything you have to say.

We are also humbled by the immensely positive reception of the enhanced version of our game. We always had faith in the project, but seeing so many enthusiastic opinions among players and high review scores from the press is utterly heart-warming. At the same time it is a clear sign that there is still high demand for that unique Dying Light experience. To make sure that every new or veteran player gets all the fun they deserve, we have decided to continue our support for Dying Light at least till the end of this year. We are already working on new unannounced content, so stay tuned for our future news.

Having said that, this is my personal request to all of you: share your impressions with us. You can do it through one of our social media channels, our official forum, or simply by e-mail. We want to hear about all your stories, ideas and problems you could have. As the Dying Light franchise goes forward, let us also know where you want to see it headed. We strongly believe in active collaboration between our design team and you, players who every day fight for survival in the world of Dying Light.

We are all ears,
Paweł Marchewka

Techland CEO

    Hillianii's avatar

    Yes yes yes!!! 8)

    Batman360x's avatar

    Goed zo !

    bullet0verdose's avatar

    Ik moet zeggen dat techland daadwerkelijk goed met hun fanbase omgaat dus hopen dat ze zo door blijven gaan!! 🙂