Counter-Strike: Global Offensive maakt grotere toernooien mogelijk, aldus Valve

Met het volgend jaar te verschijnen Counter-Strike: Global Offensive wenst Valve de community’s van Counter-Strike 1.6 en Counter-Strike: Source te verenigen, om zo een grotere community te creëren en grotere toernooien mogelijk te maken.

Version 1.6 and Source are pretty big players, right? They’re kind of the number-one first person shooters – there are a lot of games that have come and gone but those remain really pure and competitive games.

Both sets of pros would love to see a game that sponsors would see as the definitive version so they can have bigger tournaments.

Counter-Strike has a history of established tournaments. We don’t want to stifle that, we want to make this an organic process that will see those organisations grow even more.

Twee belangrijke eSports-organisaties, ESL en CEVO, hebben reeds contact opgenomen met Valve en de nodige gesprekken zijn inmiddels gestart. Valve wenst naar de feedback van de organisaties en fans te luisteren, om er zeker van te zijn dat de liefhebbers echt de overstap willen maken naar Global Offensive.
I had emails from ESL and CEVO [the biggest leagues in USA and Europe], so the conversations have already started with those guys.

They’re really smart, and the competitive players are really smart – they think about the choices they make and you can’t force them to do anything. We want to work with them and get their feedback.

We know the 1.6 players and the CSS players are looking for something new. I think they’d like something from us that can incorporate them into being one.

[Players stick with their version of choice] because they like that skill set and rule set, and they like that level of competition but I still think they’d happily move to something else if it could bring in new players, and they could see their community grow.

So hopefully everyone is looking in with open minds to us trying to make the game that will make everybody happy.

    matdriks's avatar

    Ik kijk erg naar uit naar dit deel… hoop dat er dan wel een overstap komt.. CSS zie ik dat wel zie doen.
    Maar jah die 1.6 community moet is een keer gekilled worden naar mijn mening.
    Ze moeten alleen ffies die molotov cocktail er uit halen.. want dat zie ik niet zitten voor CS:GO