Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice update maakt het leven wat makkelijker

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is van een verse update voorzien. Versie 1.03 is vannacht uitgebracht en moet het leven van onze shinobi’s weer iets makkelijker maken. Voor zover een game van FromSoftware ‘makkelijk’ genoemd kan worden natuurlijk.

De update is vooral bedoeld om spelers aan te moedigen verschillende speelstijlen toe te passen. Zo zijn de Spirit Emblem-kosten voor bepaalde Prosthetic Tools en Combat Arts aangepast.

Daarnaast zal de Blazing Bull boss fight wat makkelijker worden. Volgens veel spelers was de Blazing Bull een verschrikking. Wederom in lijn met andere FromSoftware-ervaringen. Toch heeft men deze baas wat minder posture en vitality gegeven met de nieuwste update. Dit moet volgens de ontwikkelaars het tempo in de game en de balans qua gevechten optimaliseren.

Bekijk hieronder de officiële, Engelse patch notes van Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice update 1.03. Benieuwd hoe tof deze game is? Lees dan snel onze Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice review!

Improvements to Strategic Approaches

  • Adjusted the efficiency and Spirit Emblem cost of the following to encourage usage and diversity of approach:
    • Prosthetic Tools: ‘Lazulite Sacred Flame,’ ‘Loaded Axe’ series, ‘Sparking Axe,’ ‘Lazulite Axe’
    • Combat Arts: ‘Ashina Cross,’ ‘Dragon Flash,’ ‘One Mind,’ ‘Floating Passage,’ ‘Spiral Cloud Passage,’ ‘Mortal Draw,’ ‘Empowered Mortal Draw’
    • Items: ‘Spiritfall’ series
  • Reduced the Posture damage dealt by the first hit of the Combat Arts ‘Senpou Leaping Kicks’ and ‘High Monk’ as it was causing more damage than intended in certain cases. Posture damage dealt in the latter-half of the combo has been increased.
  • Increased the Poison build-up dealt by the Prosthetic Tool “Sabimaru” against enemies that were intended to be weak against it.
  • Increased the drop rate of ‘Divine Confetti’ for Fencers in Ashina Castle.
  • Adjusted loading screen tips and tutorial text, as well as adding new text.

Other Fixes

  • Slightly reduced Posture and Vitality of Blazing Bull in order to improve game pacing and balance time in combat.
  • Lowered the price of information sold by Anayama the Peddler.
  • The Chained Ogre inside Ashina Castle is now Red Eyed.
  • Fixed a bug where “Gokan’s Sugar” and “Gokan’s Spiritfall” were not mitigating player Posture damage taken while guarding or deflecting enemy attacks.
  • Fixed a bug where system crashes could cause save data to become corrupted on PC.
  • Fixed a bug where certain enemies would sometimes stop attacking the player.
  • Fixed a bug where certain actions could not be performed after reconfiguring the controls.
  • Fixed certain bugs that were allowing the player to access unexpected areas, which could result in becoming unable to obtain items or make further progress.
  • Fixed cases of certain text being displayed incorrectly.
  • Improved stability.
  • Improved performance.
  • Other various bug fixes.
    BearsRidingTanks's avatar

    Ze hebben een fout gemaakt met de stier dus dat zal nog veranderen.