Veel Final Fantasy 15 nieuws naar buiten gebracht

Final Fantasy 15 fans opgelet. De game staat centraal in de zojuist verschenen Game Informer en als altijd weet het blad ons veel nieuws te vertellen over de game. Dat in een gesprek met game director Hajime Tabata, die stelt dat Square Enix zijn trots opzij heeft moeten zetten met de ontwikkeling van FF15, waarbij het ook nog ”erop of eronder” is voor de franchise.

Hij weet ons ook te vertellen dat de game zal beginnen met een groot gevecht, zoals eerder te spelen was in het tweede deel. Ook is bekend gemaakt dat de hond uit de trailers de naam Umbra draagt, dat de Regalla (de auto) fungeert als opslag, dat Noctis in de game kan vissen en dat er inmiddels meer dan 200 quests zijn gemaakt. Er zijn er nog meer in de maak.

Andere leuke feitjes uit het artikel zijn hieronder te lezen:

Fantasy based on reality idea is still intact – at the Hammerhead station an instrumental version of Neil Young’s “Heart of Gold” can be heard playing in the background.

The beginning of the game is said to be heavy with familiar imagery before bending things toward fantasy and wonder.

There are dialogue choices in the game that leave to different outcomes. For example Noctis was able to ask his friends for advice rather than asking for a discount or loan from Cidney. The reward for these options seem to revolve around status bonuses similar to eating or resting.

Combat has improved since the demo – controls are more responsive, and weapons can be swapped on the fly using the d-pad. GI saw tabs for swords, daggers, lances, firearms, shields, royal arms and elemental spells. There was also a category called machines though their purpose is unknown.

Magic spells are collected like a resource and can be recharged at various places on the map (thinkFFVIII‘s Draw system).

The Regalia (the car) has a trunk that acts as party storage. You may need to pay money to gas up from time to time but the cost isn’t crazy. The car radio plays remixes of classic FF themes such as “Final Fantasy.”

On your way to a destination, Prompto may ask to stop and take a photo. His pictures can be seen during camp and can be shared on social media. Should you continue to take pictures with Prompto his photography skills will improve.

All four of the main characters have special talents – Noctis can fish, Ignis can cook and Gladio has survival instincts – and all of these can be “leveled up” by continued play.

When you call a summon they won’t always do the same thing. They are entities that exist in the world itself. So depending on the situation they will do different things. For example, Titan sometimes will run up and hit an enemy, sometimes he will throw boulders at the enemy and it’s possible he will even give up and leave the battle. They will also act differently in a dungeon than they will in the overworld.

The black dog seen in trailers is a faithful servant. Its name is Umbra.

Noctis and friends encounter Niflheim’s Ardyn fairly early on while en route to Altissia.

There are four quest types: for fun (fishing/chocobo racing), main story, monster hunts and regional quests. Currently there are over 200 quests in the game but the team are working to add more.

Later on you can synthesize magic to create more powerful versions like Blizzara.

Weapons can also be improved with materials collected in the world and won from battles. The main way to improve yourself, however, is through ability points which accumulate as you level up.

You have the choice on how you upgrade Noctis and his companions like strengthening auto-dodge or teaching them new commands. It’s an effort to shape the player’s play style.

Luna is the presence that supports Noctis in order for him to fulfill his destiny. She’s also the type of heroine you want to meet but can’t quite reach.

Tabata has no intention to create sequels or anything out of this. He wants people to purchase the game to be able to enjoy it for a long period of time. That doesn’t necessarily just mean additional content but other things to create an interesting experience.

We hebben weer heel veel nieuwe informatie over Final Fantasy 15. De game lijkt immens te worden en wellicht iets minder Japans. Wat is jullie visie daarop? En hebben jullie net zoveel zin in Final Fantasy 15 als wij?

    King of Heroes's avatar


    Maak we wakker als het 28 September is! 😆

    Felis_Rufus's avatar

    Erg veelbelovend. Ik wacht geduldig.

    Leukste's avatar

    Ziet er veelbelovend uit. We gaan het in september zien.