Infinity Ward heeft bevestigd dat de multiplayer van Call of Duty: Ghosts op elk platform ondersteund wordt door dedicated servers. Veel gamers dachten dat dit alleen voor de pc en Xbox One zou gelden, maar uitvoerend producent Mark Rubin bevestigde dat alle platformen straks profiteren van dedicated servers:
Dedicated servers will be used on current gen, next gen and PC with Ghosts. And, in order to make sure that people have the best possible experience regardless of platform, location or connection, Ghosts will be using a hybrid system of dedicated servers and listen servers. So no matter where you are the game will always be trying to give you the best online performance possible. There is also some great new tech in the matchmaking system that will place players in matches that have the best combined overall connectivity performance.Dedicated servers zijn weer bezig aan een opmars op de consoles. Ook Killzone: Shadow Fall beschikt er straks over.