J.J. Abrams praat kort over productie Star Wars: Episode VII

Nu J.J. Abrams echt bijna klaar is met Star Trek Into Darkness kan hij zich op de nieuwe Star Wars gaan richten. In een interview met de Playboy heeft de bekende regisseur al wat los gelaten over de aankomende Episode VII. Abrams weet wel hoe hij dit project aan moet pakken.

“I try to approach a project from what it’s asking. What does it need to be? What is it demanding? With Star Wars, one has to take into account what has preceded it, what worked, what didn’t. There are cautionary tales for anything you take on that has a legacy — things you look at and think, I want to avoid this or that, or I want to do more of something. But even that feels like an outside-in approach, and it’s not how I work. For me, the key is when you have a script; it’s telling you what it wants to be.”
Abrams is zelf Star Wars-fan, maar toch is hij blij dat George Lucas helpt met het beantwoorden van vragen.
“The advantage here is that we still have George Lucas with us to go to and ask questions and get his feedback on things, which I certainly will do. With Star Trek it was harder because I wasn’t a Star Trek fan; I didn’t have the same emotional feeling, and I didn’t have Gene Roddenberry to go to.”
De bekende regisseur deed ook nog een zegje over de toekomst van Star Trek op het grote doek en ontkent niet dat Star Trek Into Darkness de laatste film in de franchise is.
“No. I would say it’s a possibility. We’re trying to figure out the next step. But it’s like anything: It all begins with the story.”

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