Medebedenker Metroid ziet toekomst in zowel Prime als Other M

Medebedenker van Metroid Yoshio Sakamoto is momenteel druk bezig met de werkzaamheden rond Metroid: Other M. Toch hoopt hij van harte dat Retro Studios doorgaat met de succesvolle Metroid Prime serie:

    “With regards to the Prime series, if the team at Retro comes up with an idea that does bring a sequel to the series to fruition, I by all means encourage them to do that. But I’m not directly involved with the Prime games. In terms of the Metroid series stories that I’ve told, the games that I’ve been involved in, I started with the NES Metroid and took it through Fusion.”

Het is zijn bedoeling om de menselijke kant van Samus Aran te laten zien in Metroid: Other M en dat samen te smelten met de moddervette actie die wij gewend zijn van Team Ninja.

    “One of my goals is to present Samus as an appealing human character, and that involves explaining a little bit about what happened in her past as well as the characters that influenced her. The story will play a big part.”

Metoid: Other M is op dit moment in ontwikkeling bij Team Ninja en zal verschijnen op de Nintendo Wii in 2010.

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