Koch Media is niet meer…

Oké, kort berichtje deze keer. Koch Media bestaat niet meer. Tenminste, het heet geen Koch Media meer. Het heet vanaf nu PLAION en heeft per heden ook een zeer modern logo, welke je hierboven kunt zien. Mooi hé?

Verandert er iets voor jou als Saints Row/Dead Island/Andere Koch Media game liefhebber? Nou… nee. Studios als Deep Silver, Warhorse Studios en Vertigo Games blijven gewoon onder hun eigen naam verder werken. De enige die het echt heel belangrijk vindt is mede-oprichter Klemens Kundratitz:

“The new name offers us the opportunity to build on our rich history as a publishing partner and our outstanding, constantly growing network of world-class development studios and creative people, to keep delivering premium service to our partners, to highlight our ambition as a global player within the entertainment industry but also to reinvent ourselves. Our vision is to enable and inspire our worldwide teams and partners, unlocking their full potential.”

“The industry is incredibly dynamic, the expectations of our customers and our partners are continually evolving, and we must recognize this. Relying on our strong foundation whilst embracing change will deliver something new, something better. As PLAION, we’re building on our years of success while striving for more, much more. PLAION is a promise to deliver outstanding entertainment to our customers. I’m happy and proud to continue our journey as PLAION.”

Succes met je nieuwe naam, PLAION.

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