Vraag niet hoe het kan, maar profiteer er van! Volgens de laatste berichten bevat de multiplayer van Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War maar liefst acht mappen. Inderdaad, acht hele mappen!
De acht mappen zijn speelbaar met diverse spelmodi, zoals 6v6, 12v12, Combined Arms en Fireteam. Deze laatste modus is speelbaar met maximaal veertig spelers.
De mappen zijn Miami, Cartel, Crossroads, Alpine, Armada, Satellite, Moscow en Ruka. Hieronder vind je de officiële omschrijving van de diverse mappen, inclusief de spelmodi die speciaal bedoeld zijn voor specifieke mappen.
Alpine: The map features a ski-slope which you can peruse on foot it on a snowmobile. This is a Fireteam exclusive map that supports up to 40 players in squads of four.
Armada: Set on the North Ses, it had three battleships that are connected with zip lines. The main ship contains most of the combat focus, while the other two act as spawn hubs. Here, you will find turrets to use, or the ability to use a speedboat or gunboat. The map supports 6v6 and 12v12.
Cartel: The map features a large center lane filled with cover, CQC, and a sniper tower. It supports standard and Combined Arms featuring 6v6 and 12v12 modes. There will be different variations for the player counts.
Crossroads: Another Combined Arms map for 6v6 or 12v12, this map features sightlines across a lake that is frozen. There is an overlook, bomb-proof buildings, tanks, and snowmobiles.
Miami: This standard 6v6 map is set in the streets of the city. You will find various buildings around the map.
Moscow: Another 6v6 map that comes with short sightlines and tight areas, making it a classic three-lane map best for close-quarters. You can play Domination or Hardpoint on this ma.
Ruka: Set in the Ural Mountains full of cabins and forest, this map is for Fireteam modes.
Satellite: This map features an open design perfect for snipers hiding in sand dunes and there are rock lanes that will be used to go into enemy territory. In the middle, you will find a wrecked airplane that will provide you with cover. The map supports 6v6 modes.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War verschijnt 13 november voor de Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5 en pc.
8… maar 8 mappen?
Dat is nogal weinig vergeleken met vorige jaren.
8 is toch best wel weinig? Of ben in te oldschool?
Volgens mij is het sarcastisch bedoeld
(hoop ik dan, haha)
Het was inderdaad met een knipoog.