Tomb Raider keert terug op het witte doek met Alicia Vikander

Lara Croft heeft al vele incarnaties gehad in de gamewereld, van de geblokte verschijning in de allereerste game uit 1996 tot aan de huidige stoere chick in de reboot van Square Enix. Zelfs in de bioscoop konden we van Lara Croft genieten, toen Angelina Jolie de rol op zich nam in 2001.

Nu de Tomb Raider-games een reboot hebben gehad, keert Lara weer terug naar het witte doek. De nieuwe film verschijnt op 16 maart 2018 en heeft sterke invloeden van de reboot die Crystal Dymanics en Square Enix ons hebben gegeven.

Alicia Vikander zal de rol van Lara Croft op zich nemen en liet weten dat zij zich wil onderscheiden van de versie die Angelina Jolie neerzette:

The difference is that you clearly see from the previous games and what they were aiming on making as a difference, with making it a bit more of an origin story. That is something I think that we’re trying to have as our main thing, to show the journey of becoming what we know her as: Lara Croft.

For me, Tomb Raider is about the excitement of working on a project with a female character that I again in one way have a relationship with. I played the game when I was a kid. I was running around in that house and jumping in the pool and doing all the action – and then of course Angelina Jolie made her into an icon with her films. That was also something that I thought of when I first heard that they were going to make a Tomb Raider film, and then I found out that they were going to make a film based on the rebooted game from 2013. I think what we’re now going to do is we’re aiming to do something very fresh and something new that can stand on its own two legs.

Op dit moment is alleen bekend dat Alicia Vikander Lara Croft zal spelen. De film wordt geregisseerd door de relatief onbekende Roar Uthaug uit Noorwegen.

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