Spelers zonder de speciale Season Pass kunnen vanaf vandaag Watch_Dogs’ eerste DLC aanschaffen. Ubisoft heeft dit zojuist bekendgemaakt. De DLC kwam vorige week al beschikbaar voor de gebruikers met een Season Pass.
De DLC bevat drie nieuwe singleplayer-missies en beschikt over twee nieuwe wapens en diverse perks. Zo kun je spelen met het Biometric-geweer en het Auto-6 pistool. De diverse perks bieden de mogelijkheid om extra accu’s voor de telefoon te kopen en je wapen sneller te herladen.
The Palace Single Player Mission: A police raid is planned on the luxury palace of an Internet mogul. His databanks have intimate details on thousands of people including Dedsec and Aiden Pearce. Break inside, wipe his hard drive and escape before the raid begins. Then silence the Internet mogul. Signature Shot Single Player Mission: A biometrics weapon has been smuggled into Chicago for a captain of the Black Viceroys gang. The weapon only works with the first person to imprint his palm on the handle. Breach a stronghold, steal the package and be the first to imprint the weapon. Breakthrough Single Player Mission: A secret gathering is underway. The Chicago South Club is negotiating power with Corporate CEOs. The Club has hired scramblers to block surveillance devices. Find the scrambler vehicles and take out their technicians. Locate the meeting and eliminate everyone taking part.
Fuck DLC.
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