Nu ION Storm echt aan zijn eind aan het komen is, hebben de programmeurs hard gewerkt om nog een tweede patch voor Anachronox uit te brengen.
De patch is nu in testing bij Eidos en zal binnenkort uitgebracht worden.
Het relaas van Joey Liaw (via Webdog) zegt veel denk ik:
“Patch 2 is testing at Eidos.
Some of us are still active on forums
if you want to reach us about the game. I also set up a website at
to address the most common tech-support issues people have brought
up on the Anachronox forums. A lot of people have also expressed
interest in editing using our powerful cinematic scriptor and
scripting language — we are preparing documentation for a subsequent
release that will be announced on the forums.
I’m one of the last people to clean up my cube. Right now I’m
backing up parts of our data tree and sourcesafe databases in case
Eidos needs us to fix something for the patch. Our network is being
dismantled in a few days, I hear…. all the reusable equipment is
going down to the Austin office.
It’s reeeaal quiet up here.
Sort of sad to be finally packing up. All the cubes are empty.
Lots of memories and friends made up here. Not to mention the lines
and lines and lines of code 🙂
Well, that’s enough melodrama.
Best of luck to all ex-Anox team on our job searches…
See you guys around.”