Vandaag verschijnt Gran Turismo Sport officieel en net voor release heeft de racegame van ontwikkelaar Polyphony Digital een day one patch gekregen. Patch 1.02 weegt 12,3GB en voegt behoorlijke grote veranderingen toe.
Onderstaand lijstje is maar een klein deel van de toevoegingen en aanpassingen van de patch.
De ontwikkelaar werkt bovendien aan nog een patch en onderstaande punten worden bij de volgende update aangepakt.All car data is updated in order to support rain conditions Adds the opening movie Several tweaks to level design The reward sequence has been updated Several bugs have been corrected
GamesaveGran Turismo Sport is op 18 oktober verschenen voor de PlayStation 4.When the save button is pressed to save, there are cases in which the transmission to the server fails. This can be alleviated by playing the game for approximately 15 minutes after starting the game. When the email address is repeatedly deleted, the game stops. In “Email address” or “Options,” if the “Delete Email address” action is repeated, the game comes to a stop. The game freezes when participating in a drift trial using a car with a custom color chip. If the exterior is edited in the livery editor with a custom color chip and the player participates in a drift trial, the game freezes after displaying the results. Steering Controller There have been cases where the H Pattern shifter THRUSTMASTER TH8A is not recognized properly On the Thrustmaster T500RS steering controller, we will correct the issue where there is excessive vibration when turning the steering wheel over a certain amount (causing understeer). We will increase the steering speed on the standard DualShock 4 controller to improve controllability while oversteering and drifting.
Die day 1 patches worden steeds groter. Lijkt een beetje uit de hand te lopen.