Dishonored 2 heeft een nieuwe patch gekregen die veel nieuwe veranderingen doorbrengt, zoals een chapter select-optie. Voorheen moest je de gehele game opnieuw spelen om bij een bepaald hoofdstuk te komen, maar dat hoeft dus niet meer.
Ook kun je de moeilijkheidsgraad naar eigen wens aanpassen, door met balkjes te schuiven. Verder zijn er bugs verholpen, grafische glitches, crashes, save en audio issues en UI-problemen. Bekijk de ellenlange lijst voor Dishonored 2 hieronder.
Fixed a graphical distortion on top / bottom of screen when forced from past to present at front door Fixed a bug where attempting to start a New Game Plus off of a corrupt epilogue save twice would start a regular new game and delete the corrupt save without confirmation Fixed a bug where a save data could become corrupted while regularly reloading auto-saves and deleted without notifying the user Fixed a bug where pressing the Power Wheel button during active gameplay on a PS Vita caused an indefinite non-interactive screen General fixes
Fixed various crashes Fixed various save issues Fixed various localization issues Fixed various rendering issues Fixed various audio issues Fixed various collision issues Fixed various UI issues and added new UI for Game Update 2 Fixed a bug where the player will instantly die if he possess a Gravehound Fixed a bug where a “8” could appear on the screen Fixed the LOD of the watchtower Fixed a bug where walking down stairs while a wolfhound runs up would cause the hound to bounce backwards Fixed a bug where pickpocketing Jindosh’s pistol may cause him to throw nothing during combat Fixed an audio issue while loading save games Fixed a bug where NPCs can suddenly be seen standing during the recover from ragdoll animation Fixed a bug where Far Reach pulling a guard that is mantling will have no effect on the guard Fixed a bug where NPCs can be involuntarily dropped from a choke, causing their AI to break Fixed a bug where making a quick save behind a NPC while using controller configuration C would cause the player to choke the NPC instead of creating a save Crushing an unconscious enemy in the safe door will no longer count as both lethal and nonlethal in the stats page Fixed a bug where using Domino and Shadow Walk in combination will kill Hypatia without her ever transforming into Grim Alex Fixed a bug where the awareness feedback is triggered again when loading a save made after NPCs gained attention Fixed a bug where performing slide tackles or ground kicks on NPCs in moving elevators causes them to float or fall through Fixed a bug where the witches will idle if the player exits and re-enters a hideout during upgraded Bend Time Fixed a bug where guards that see a door opened by a possessed NPC ask who opened it Fixed a bug where the facial animation was not launched during key target assassinations Fixed a bug where a Sleeping Overseer may face the chair upon waking up despite knowing where the player is When sprint and lean mode are set to “hold”, the change is now reflected in the tutorials No awareness is now used for corpses spotted Fixed a bug where Clockwork Soldiers were triggering a Snap Reaction when player is undetected Fixed a bug where causing an explosion during Stop Time can stretch out and break NPC models Fixed a bug where the gameplay thread was not updated every frame and can miss input Fixed a bug where physic objects go active when using the Spyglass although they’re far from the player Fixed a bug where NPC heads do not appear on screen when picked up and cannot be thrown Fixed a bug where Guard NPC heads with helmets have unnatural physics when beheaded and thrown Deactivated Redirective Blink when swimming up/down Fixed a bug where the player can choke an NPC from very far away if they pull them with Far Reach while Bend Time is active Fixed a bug where the player is able to duplicate items by Far Reach pulling and picking up at the same time Fixed a bug where the Guard by Ramsey disappears shortly then returns ignoring the player when attacked from above Fixed a bug where the player could fall OOW when exiting a rat tunnel Fixed a bug where Past Stilton does not alert to the player properly after he panics once Fixed a bug where the game will black screen if the player dies during the transition to Long Day in Dunwall: Streets Fixed a bug where the player may become control locked and see OOW if they use the Timepiece and a key hole at the same time Fixed a bug where the player will fall OOW if they use the Timepiece during a kill move Prevented the player from grappling the crossbow in Edge of the World to avoid a weird retargeting if the player is far from the door or blocked by a collision Fixed a bug where the Gravehound skull can sometimes go through walls/ground when killed Fixed a bug where the amount of available traits is incorrect when replacing a trait during a craft by the same trait Fixed a bug where the Watchtower red light projector flare was drawn behind environment elements Fixed a render issue on Corvo during character selection Fixed a bug where a bright light during transition in time remains if the Timepiece is used to interrupt picking up a corpse Fixed a bug where the effects of the Dust Storm can be seen inside the Silvergraph Studio Fixed a bug where the living highlight sometime stutters when using Dark Vision Crafted Bonecharm list is now sorted Fixed a bug where Doppelgangers will instantly despawn on particular spots Fixed a bug where using Shadow Walk takedowns on Meagan and Sokolov will have the wrong animations Fixed a bug causing the watchtower’s position to reset Fixed a bug where the FOV changes during jump or sprint Fixed a bug where walking with a possessed NPC into water doesn’t count as a kill Fixed a bug where the player’s weapon is automatically switched when restoring health using the D-pad Fixed a bug where the Weapon Wheel was not slowing the duration of Bend Time Fixed a bug where Catfall is triggered when using Far Reach after vaulting into water Fixed a bug where enemies are still active after the player has killed them right before using the Timepiece Fixed a bug where the player is unable to switch quick select items using D-pad while the Health Elixir prompt appears Fixed a bug where the game terminates while entering connected standby at the end of mission cutscenes Fixed a bug where returning to the initial interactive screen via established user sign out while in active control areas will not present the Main Menu Load Screen Fixed a bug where the NPCs are ejected in the air after being shot with a sleep dart Fixed a bug where the player can fall from a great height onto the cliffs and survive Fixed a misaligned animation for an Adrenaline kill Fixed a bug where the player was able to fly if they Far Reach pull and picked up a whale oil tank at the same time Fixed a bug where Far Reach pulling NPCs then assassinating them near edges pulls the player over the edge Fixed a bug where NPCs are unable to be pulled with Far Reach while they are falling asleep from a sleep dart Fixed a bug where canceling Far Reach mid pull drops the body or object that the player is holding Fixed a bug where the Doppelganger appears in a T-pose when the player summons her Fixed a bug where Redirective Blink does not affect sitting or cowering NPCs Fixed a bug where jumping after using a jump Blink will cause the cooldown of Blink to return Fixed a bug where changing the resolution or display mode can break the rendering as if everything was rendered twice Fixed a bug where speakers don’t play any announcements Fixed a bug where the player can view the Adrenaline/Blood thirst meter while looking through a keyhole Fixed a bug where exiting Pause Menu, Weapons Wheel, or Journal while holding The Dealer targeting or Piercing Insult charged shot auto fires Fixed a bug where player may become control locked and see out of world if they use the Timepiece and key hole at same time Fixed a bug where with 5 traits of the Bonecharm “Strong Arms”; no longer possible to grab an NPC since it’s instantly choked Fixed a bug where the player can repeatedly initiate a combat choke on Grim Alex with no prior actions required Fixed a bug in Medium difficulty where Health Regeneration is set to Limited by default Fixed a bug where NPCs could be put into walls when using Doppleganger Swap during a corpse throw Fixed a bug where choking any NPC then immediately pushing them off may cause the chokehold audio to persist Fixed a bug where the UI Post Process isn’t blurred in Pause Menu Fixed a bug where Player’s hands have a broken texture in some spots during a dust storm Fixed a bug where striped shadow lines can be seen on Outsider and other NPCs Fixed a big offset in animation during a drop assassination on the Clockwork Fixed a bug where throwing a bottle at Mindy’s head after completing her quest breaks her model and can lag the game Fixed an occlusion issue outside Jessamine’s hidden chamber Fixed an occlusion issue across from Galvani’s apartment Fixed a hole in Addermire building during carriage ride scene Fixed too loud footsteps SFX Fixed the marker “investigate about Sokolov” which was misplaced Fixed a bug where after looting unconscious Paolo player may kill Paolo and loot him again for a second Risky Parry Bonecharm Fixed a bug where picking up the rune in the flooded basement awards 1 coin in no powers instead of 200 coins The Outsider and Jessamine are no longer factored in the Global Kill Ratio Outsider Shrines are no longer factored in the Global Kill Ratio on the Current Stats Screen Meagan is no longer factored in the player’s Global Kill Ratio on the Playthrough Stats Screen Delilah is no longer counted towards the player’s Global Kill Count each time she appears Unkillable NPCs are no longer factored in the Global Kill and Global Non-Lethal Ratios on the Stats screen Fixed a bug where the player may never transition to the Epilogue if they chose to take the secret passage to the Throne Room Fixed a bug where black Occlusion walls are visible around Jindosh’s mansion when red buttons are pressed consecutively Fixed a bug where the player may never finish the Non-Lethal resolution cinematic if a witch or a Gravehound interrupts the scene
is het al speelbaar op pc?
Ik hoorde verhalen van een maar liefst 20 frames per seconde op twee GTX 1080’s bij launch. Gezien het menselijk oog er maar 14,9 kan zien, moet dat toch zeker lukken.
Nee, for realsies en zo, ik dacht dat de performance inmiddels al een tijdje verbeterd was?
Nou ik speelde hem op de dag van release gewoon 40/60 fps alles high 4K 1 1080 dan wel die van zotac.
Hmmm goede zaak…