Update 1.31 voor pc-versie Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate verschenen

Ubisoft heeft een nieuwe patch uitgebracht voor de pc-versie van Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate. Update 1.31 repareert een hoop bugs, verbetert de stabiliteit van de game en voegt ondersteuning voor de Jack the Ripper DLC toe.

De patch weegt 440 MB op uPlay en 180 MB op Steam. Een veelgehoorde bug, waarbij vijanden soms verdwenen nadat je een bendeleider had verslagen, is nu verleden tijd. Ook maakt de update het mogelijk om de physics van kleding te veranderen. De volledige lijst met veranderingen vind je hieronder!

Added DLC Jack The Ripper support
Added additional parameter to AC.ini for disabling cloth motion 30FPS limits
Fixed crash in multi-monitor mode in London
Fixed FXAA with enabled MSAA
Fixed changing of display in fullscreen mode issues
Fixed flickering panel in World Map
Fixed various render issues
Fixed several online issues
Minor UI improvements

Fixed a display issue with add-on price for the Season Pass owners
Fixed an issue where sometimes The Ubisoft Club Rewards couldn’t be equipped right after redeeming them

Fixed an issue in the Gang War activity where enemy NPCs would sometimes disappear after eliminating the gang leader

Game System
Fixed an issue where it was sometimes possible to switch gear when the player was not supposed to
Fixed an issue where switching characters could cause two instances of Evie to appear

Fixed an issue where the “Letter from the Front“ collectibles would not appear on the minimap
Fixed an issue with the brightness of the map in the “Strange Bed fellows” mission
Fixed some collisions and navigation issues
Fixed some icons issues
Fixed an issue where the Kenway flag model would not appear after obtaining it

Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the player would not always play his hurt animation

Fixed an issue with ally stations that sometimes prevented the player from hiring them
Fixed an issue in the “Change of Plans” mission where the gate from the sewers could be locked, thus blocking the player’s progression

Fixed some issues with the player’s animations
Fixed some issues where the player could get stuck in specific places
Fixed an issue in the “Darwin kidnapping” mission where, in some cases, the player could not carry him anymore

Improved performance and stability

    Thomsnov's avatar

    Goed dat ze wat aan die bug hebben gedaan

    Sa.'s avatar

    Oh thank god voor .ini file. Het is zo fucked up om Evy’s robes in 30fps te zien wapperen als de rest van de game op 55-60 draait.

    Tom 2.0's avatar

    sdfl schreef, "Oh thank god voor .ini file. Het is zo fucked up om Evy’s robes in 30fps te zien wapperen als de rest van de game op 55-60 draait. "

    Eerste keer dat ik dat hoor, maar lijkt me inderdaad ontzettend storend. Luie optimalisatie heet dat.