Just Cause 3 heeft stevige day one patch

Ben je van plan om Just Cause 3 straks op een schijfje te kopen? Houd dan rekening met een stevige patch als je de game voor het eerst gaat spelen. Het bestaan van de patch is aan het licht gekomen doordat retailversies van de game wereldwijd al te koop zijn.

Bezitters van de PlayStation 4-versie hebben in elk geval ontdekt dat er een patch van 2,8GB gedownload moet worden. Formeel verschijnt de game pas op 1 december, dus het kan zijn dat er nog een extra patch verschijnt. Vooralsnog is deze patch 1.01 in elk geval de enige “day 1” patch.

Hieronder vind je de officiële omschrijving van de inhoud van de day 1 patch:

Fixes and Improvements
The Medician Department of Nature Conservation has pored over every inch of our beautiful island for cracks and removed them
The Medician Department of Motor Vehicles has taken measures to acquire poorly-tuned vehicles and burn them
The DRM has been given a refresher course in combat and spatial awareness as per the General’s recent mandate
The Medician Department of Infrastructure has made some adjustments to certain roads to prevent traffic jams
Various stability/crash fixes
Various camera fixes
Various Havok destruction optimisations
Various localisation fixes and updates
Various worldsim improvements

Missions, Challenges, Random Encounters
Various minor mission bug fixes
Various minor challenge bug fixes
Fixed some various issues with Random Encounters

Graphics and Animation
Various LoD optimisations
Various lighting optimisations
Various animation optimisations

Various level and EQ adjustments
Rebels riding along with Rico will now be less rude and not talk over each other
Fixed a few rare audio distortion issues involving destructible objects with lots of moving parts

    D_Dog's avatar

    The Medician Department of Nature Conservation has pored over every inch of our beautiful island for cracks and removed them.

    The Medician Department of Motor Vehicles has taken measures to acquire poorly-tuned vehicles and burn them.

    The DRM has been given a refresher course in combat and spatial awareness as per the General’s recent mandate.

    The Medician Department of Infrastructure has made some adjustments to certain roads to prevent traffic jams.

    Ryan2000's avatar

    Bol.com en game mania hebben ook al aangegeven de game morgen te versturen.