Mocht je na het lezen van dit Homefront nieuwtje denken dat de PC-versie van Homefront niet veel meer biedt dan de andere versies, dan heb je het fout. De mannen van Kaos Studios postten vandaag namelijk een complete lijst met wat de PC-versie allemaal wel en niet inhoudt. De meest opmerkelijke onderwerpen in deze blogpost van de ontwikkelaars zijn waarschijnlijk de PC-specifieke features van Homefront:
PC SPECIFIC FEATURESJoystick ondersteuning, muis-vriendelijke controls voor de voertuigen, trainingsmodi voor helikopterbestruing, LAN-support en dedicated servers: de PC heeft het allemaal.We thought long and hard about the additional features the PC community would appreciate and expect.
From a gameplay standpoint, we’ve done some additional work on the vehicles. On PC, you’ll be able to control all vehicles from the 1st person cockpit viewpoint as well as 3rd person. We also added additional control options for helicopters, to give those players looking for more sim-like controls something to get their teeth round. There are three settings:
o Ace: Allows for the best maneuverability, but takes the most practice to master.
o Veteran: Balanced difficulty and maneuverability.
o Rookie: Pick-up-and-play level of difficulty, least maneuverable.We’ve included a Practice Mode so you can get to grips with vehicle controls outside the pressures of a live match. No need in wasting your hard earned Battle Points!
Lastly, we added some extra vehicle abilities for co-pilots, such as a Recon function to the Scout heli, and we obviously support joystick control for all vehicles.
In terms of other gameplay changes – we introduced a Squad Management system for PC, with Squad based VOIP. We also offer Clan Support on PC, and we’ll be tracking more post-match statistics on the PC platform. As stated above, we’re a Steamworks title and we use Valve Anti-Cheat to counter cheaters.
We also feature Multiplayer Match Recording (check out the podcast for more info), and we’ll be releasing a Dedicated Server Browser Executable to allow you set your own private Homefront servers within 2 weeks of launch. LAN support in there as well!
Finally, a few tweaks you’d expect as standard – we optimized the UI to make it more PC / Mouse friendly. We support SLI / Crossfire configurations for extra performance, and we support 3D through NVidia’s 3D Vision if you have the appropriate hardware.
Meer informatie over de PC-versie, zoals een handige FAQ, vind je in de rest van Kaos’ blogpost.
Eindelijk wordt de PC weer in het zonnetje gezet.:)
Pc gaming is nog niet dood! 😆
Jaay, hieperdepiep hoera voor PC gaming