Settlers 4 in de winkel

Zonder formele aankondiging van de release van de Europese versie is Settlers 4 in de winkel verschenen. Deze langverwachte game (waarvan tot op heden alleen een Duitse versie was uitgebracht) is nu te koop voor f. 89,95.

Er staat op de Bluebyte site wel een persbericht. Enige quotes uit dat bericht ter info:
Allereerst een verklaring voor de vertraging:
“As a publisher, Ubi Soft recognises that it lives by its customers in the global gaming community and as such, a wholehearted apology goes out to the fans of The Settlers Series who have been eagerly awaiting the different language versions.

The reasons behind the unfortunate delay of the product were essentially quality assurance issues. Due to the acquisition of Blue Byte, a leading German developer of video games, and developer of The Settlers Series the original scheduled release date for Settlers IV was delayed. As with any change of publisher, a delay was expected, but Ubi Soft additionally wanted to guarantee that the game’s distribution went as smoothly as possible.”

En een stukje over de inhoud van Settlers 4:
“Key new features to Settlers IV include incredibly detailed graphics in which the characters, buildings and landscapes take on a new level of quality, with abundant animations of wildlife and scenery making settlements look all the more idyllic. The improved zoom function makes viewing even the smallest details a new pleasure. Additionally, 2 new tribes, Mayans and Vikings have been added as well as “The Dark Tribe” being given a much larger role in the game. To enhance the enjoyment far more, there is also a completely new game element, pleasingly fusing the construction component and strategic elements of The Settlers more closely together.”

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