Dave Karraker verlaat Sony

Dave Karraker, hoofd van PR bij Sony Computer Entertainment America, gaat Sony verlaten. Hij heeft er een jaar gezeten en heeft nu besloten om van baan te wisselen; Skyy Spirits, maker van wodka en andere sterke dranken, wordt Karakker’s nieuwe thuis. Hij zegt in het persbericht van Sony zich het laatste jaar erg vermaakt te hebben: “I have enjoyed immensely my tenure at SCEA and think the company and its brands are very well positioned to have an exceptional holiday and a very bright future.” 1UP wist Karraker nog even te pakken te krijgen voor dit interview:

    1UP: You’ve been with SCEA for about a year now, during a time of great change for the company. How has the climate changed over the past year?

    Karraker: When I joined Sony the mood among the media was exceptionally negative. I suppose a lot of that was our own doing. My big goal was to improve communications with media and to really drive our own messaging, rather than letting others, particularly our competition, do that for us. I honestly think Sony is about to round that curve and do some amazing things this holiday that will put them right back on top. A lot of that has to do with the improved relationships we have with media, and consequently, consumers.

    1UP: You mentioned early on that getting Sony behind a unified message was one your biggest goals. Do you think you succeeded? Where could things have gone better?

    Karraker: If you look back a year ago today, we had some real challenges in communicating the value propositions for all of our platforms. Today, I think people clearly see where each of our machines stand in the marketplace. There is still so much we can do, but I think we are definitely on an uptick that will only increase as we bombard consumers with games this holiday.

    1UP: As you make the transition to an outsider, what do you perceive as the biggest obstacles for Sony going forward?

    Karraker: Content drives this industry. As long as Sony stays focused on creating great content, they will have no problems what so ever.

    1UP: Any regrets?

    Karraker: I have been so busy, I still haven’t finished God of War 2…. No regrets. This has been an incredible ride.

Het is nog onbekend wie Dave Karraker gaat opvolgen als hoofd PR bij SCEA.

    FableFreak's avatar


    Gerjann's avatar

    zal wel ๐Ÿ˜›

    denjaap's avatar

    wat noeit ons dat….

    Gold_Thunder's avatar

    denjaap schreef, "wat noeit ons dat…."

    Mij noeit het ook niks. Ik ken die gast niet eens. Kunnen de andere GN’ers ook ff zeggen of het hun wat noeit?

    denjaap's avatar

    Gold_Thunder schreef, "

    ”denjaap” schreef, "wat noeit ons dat…."

    Mij noeit het ook niks. Ik ken die gast niet eens. Kunnen de andere GN’ers ook ff zeggen of het hun wat noeit?"

    stop ermee !!!

    Ika Q's avatar

    Tja Wodka is genieten ๐Ÿ˜†

    SuperNova's avatar

    het b(n)oeit mij ook niet veel …

    arie de beuker's avatar

    SuperNova schreef, "het b(n)oeit mij ook niet veel …"

    ach b(n)oeie ๐Ÿ˜†

    Rijstekorrel's avatar

    wie was die gast kende hem niet eens ๐Ÿ˜›