Mogelijk Spoilers
De mensen die nog niks willen weten over de inhoud van Modern Warfare 3 kunnen maar beter wegklikken, want de lijst met achievements voor de game is naar buiten gebracht. Uiteraard zijn er geen achievements te vinden voor multiplayer-gerelateerde zaken, maar Spec Ops achievements zijn er wel. Ook zijn er nog 20 verrassingspunten te verdienen.
De lijst:
Back in the Fight (5) – Start the Single Player Campaign on any difficulty.Too Big to Fail (10) – Destroy the Jamming Tower. Complete “Black Tuesday” on any difficulty.
Wet Work (10) – Take back New York Harbor. Complete “Hunter Killer” on any difficulty.
Carpe Diem (10) – Escape the mountain safe house. Complete “Persona Non Grata” on any difficulty.
Frequent Flyer (10) – Defend the Russian President. Complete “Turbulence” on any difficulty.
Up to No Good (10) – Infiltrate the village. Complete “Back on the Grid” on any difficulty.
One Way Ticket (10) – Make it to Westminster. Complete “Mind the Gap” on any difficulty.
Welcome to WW3 (10) – Save the US Vice President. Complete “Goalpost” on any difficulty.
Sandstorm! (10) – Assault the shipping company. Complete “Return to Sender” on any difficulty.
Back Seat Driver (10) – Track down Volk. Complete “Bag and Drag” on any difficulty.
We’ll Always Have Paris (10) – Escape Paris with Volk. Complete “Iron Lady” on any difficulty.
Vive la Révolution! (10) – Reach the church. Complete “Eye of the Storm” on any difficulty.
Requiem (10) – Escape the city. Complete “Blood Brothers” on any difficulty.
Storm the Castle (10) – Discover Makarov’s next move. Complete “Stronghold” on any difficulty.
Bad First Date (10) – Find the girl. Complete “Scorched Earth” on any difficulty.
Diamond in the Rough (10) – Rescue the Russian President. Complete “Down the Rabbit Hole” on any difficulty.
The Big Apple (25) – Complete “Black Tuesday” and “Hunter Killer” on Veteran difficulty.
Out of the Frying Pan… (25) – Complete “Persona Non Grata”, “Turbulence”, and “Back on the Grid” on Veteran difficulty.
Payback (25) – Complete “Mind the Gap”, “Goalpost”, and “Return to Sender” on Veteran difficulty.
City of Lights (25) – Complete “Bag and Drag” and “Iron Lady” on Veteran difficulty.
The Darkest Hour (25) – Complete “Eye of the Storm”, “Blood Brothers”, and “Stronghold” on Veteran difficulty.
This is the End (25) – Complete “Scorched Earth”, “Down the Rabbit Hole”, and “Dust to Dust” on Veteran difficulty.
Who Dares Wins (40) – Complete the campaign on any difficulty.
The Best of the Best (100) – Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.
Strike! (20) – Kill 5 enemies with a single grenade in Single Player or Special Ops.
Jack the Ripper (20) – Melee 5 enemies in a row in Single Player or Special Ops.
Informant (20) – Collect 22 Intel Items.
Scout Leader (35) – Collect 46 Intel Items.
This Is My Boomstick (20) – Kill 30 enemies with the XM25 in “Black Tuesday.”
What Goes Up… (20) – Destroy all the choppers with only the UGV’s grenade launcher in “Persona Non Grata.”
For Whom the Shell Tolls (20) – Destroy all targets during the mortar sequence with only 4 shells in “Back on the Grid.”
Kill Box (20) – Kill 20 enemies with the Chopper Gunner in a single run in “Return to Sender.”
Danger Close (20) – Take down a chopper with an AC-130 smoke grenade in “Bag and Drag.”
Ménage à Trois (20) – Destroy 3 tanks with a single 105mm shot in “Iron Lady.”
Nein (20) – Kill 9 enemies with A-10 strafing runs in “Scorched Earth.”
50/50 (20) – Complete a Special Ops Mission Mode game with the same number of kills as your partner.
Birdie (20) – Kill 2 enemy helicopters without getting hit in a Special Ops Survival game.
Serrated Edge (15) – Finish a Juggernaut with a knife in Special Ops.
Arms Dealer (20) – Buy all items from the Survival Weapon Armory.
Danger Zone (20) – Buy all items from the Survival Air Support Armory.
Defense Spending (20) – Buy all items from the Survival Equipment Armory.
Get Rich or Die Trying (25) – Have $50,000 current balance in a Special Ops Survival game.
I Live (10) – Survive 1 wave in a Special Ops Survival game.
Survivor (20) – Reach Wave 10 in each mission of Special Ops Survival mode.
Unstoppable (40) – Reach Wave 15 in each mission of Special Ops Survival mode.
No Assistance Required (20) – Complete a Special Ops Mission Mode game on Hardened or Veteran with no player getting downed.
Brag Rags (10) – Earn 1 star in Special Ops Mission Mode.
Tactician (20) – Earn 1 star in each mission of Special Ops Mission Mode.
Overachiever (40) – Earn 48 stars in Special Ops Mission Mode.
Secret Achievement (20) – Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Veel voertuigmissies en volgens mij minder mappen dan MW2 had met Spec Ops. (48 sterren IPV 69 ).
dat dachten ze op te vullen met de spec ops survival mode, die flink wat mensen vast en zeker zullen spelen, zie het als de zombies mode van mw3…
komt door de survival mode denk ik, die kan op alle mappen van de MP, dus dat is al aardig wat.
een jugger knifen? dat wordt kut
wijkt niet extreem veel af van trophies in eerdere cod games, het bekende werk voor de hunter onder ons!
Overachiever… we gaan er weer voor 8)
Ik kan niet wachten op de special ops mode met mijn vrienden heb er zin in! Ik vraag me wel af of de multiplayer goed is want het zag er niet echt super uit.
en ik vind de MP er echt vet uit zien
Jugger knifen is niet zo moeilijk, gewoon liggend blokeren op de grond, Jugger schiet je dood, vriend revived, en knife blijven spammen.
Ga eerst voor bf3
Ziet er wel vrij tijdrovend uit deze lijst!
kill 5 enemies with a single grenade, dat wordt een lastige:P
zou een suicide-bomber techniek werken? :p
Wat zijn de trophies?
@hier boven grapje toch….toch toch!,!!!

On topic: hmmmm wat zou die secret achievment zijn. Misschien alle spec ops missies op het hoogst halen en zijn er dus meer dan 48 sterren te halen? We zien wel op 10 nov ofzo dan hebben mensen die wel al
Ik denk al op 8 november. aangezien er sommige mensen zijn die het spel eerder krijgen ofzo. er is altijd wel wat.
Dit keer wordt het lastig :s
nee is geen grapje
Dit zijn de trophy
Wis je dat serieus niet