Killzone: Shadow Fall had 290GB kunnen zijn

Killzone: Shadow Fall neemt uiteindelijk zo’n 39,7GB in beslag. Ontwikkelaar Guerrilla Games heeft in een recent interview echter laten weten dat de game op een bepaald punt in het ontwikkeltraject 180GB groot was en zelfs een piek van 290GB had kunnen bereiken.

Technisch leider Michael van der Leeuw vertelde dat vooral de textures ervoor zorgden dat de game gigantisch qua omvang werd. Uiteindelijk heeft men keuzes moeten maken om de grootte binnen de perken te houden:

The bulk of it is textures. I think we’re probably a lot larger than the other cross-generation games, because we have no assets that have been made to a lower spec. The surface area, I’m just guessing here, must be five to ten times bigger than Killzone 3 was.

I think at some point the disc image that we were generating was around 180 gigs. And if we would have put all the levels in, which we didn’t, because then the disc image generator broke, it would have been around 290 gigs of data. So we had to completely re-architect how we deal with data. And we did a lot of work – this is actually something I’m extremely proud of – to optimise our disc access pattern. Sony made special libraries for us because we were the first ones hitting these sort of problems. I think it’s something that a lot of people will need to be doing in future.