Battlefield 1 brengt ons het brute strijdtoneel van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Toch heeft de game straks veel meer te bieden dan alleen musketten en de iconische loopgraven, zo verklaart ontwikkelaar DICE. In een recent interview vertelt hoofdontwikkelaar Danny Berlin dat mensen ten onrechte denken dat er weinig variatie was qua wapens en gevechten in WO1:
There’s this common misconception that WWI was just muskets or something. But it wasn’t. It was a time of new weapons–bolt-action rifles, automatic rifles, semi-automatic rifles. The freedom we have is massive.Lars Gustavsson, design director bij DICE, voegde er nog aan toe dat er ook qua voertuigen van alles aanwezig was en dus straks ook in Battlefield 1 zal zitten:
This was the first time ever that people saw light tanks, heavy tanks, armored trucks.De Eerste Wereldoorlog als setting moet dus straks volop variatie gaan opleveren. Op 21 oktober kunnen we het meemaken, als Battlefield 1 verschijnt voor de pc, Xbox One en PlayStation 4.If you pop your head up from a trench and see a tank about to roll over you, you should get out of there. In the air, we have bombers to clear the way for your troops. If you’re in a bomber, you might want to have a buddy scouting for you on the ground. Dogfights with multiple people in planes, someone in the rear seat shooting at the person behind you. And of course battleships can demolish entire shorelines.
This was a worldwide conflict. It stretched from China to Europe and all over the globe. Trench Warfare was just a small part of it. The fights in the deserts, the fights up in the mountains of Italy – there were so many things that I, at least, hadn’t heard about. I always thought the battle for oil started later, in the Second World War, but it started within this era. So we went from the picture you’re painting, but realized that there’s so much more to World War One than trench warfare. There was the invention of new technology, the need for new weapons, the creation of light machine guns.
The world changed during WW1. There were four great empires that ceased to exist just because of it. Lots of great inventions came about during it, even things you don’t think about like trench coats and zippers and teabags.