Patch Destiny herstelt problemen House of Wolves

Dinsdag 19 mei verscheen House of Wolves, de tweede DLC voor Destiny na The Dark Below. Blijkbaar bracht de launch hiervan wat problemen met zich mee, want ontwikkelaar Bungie zag zich genoodzaakt patch uit te brengen. Hierin worden een aantal door de community opgemerkte problemen rechtgetrokken, alsmede een aantal door Bungie zelf opgemerkte kwesties.

Key Highlights
  • The first Wanted Fallen Bounty completed each week is now guaranteed to drop a Treasure Key
  • Greatly increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from the small chests at the end of the Prison of Elders
  • Increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from Ether Chests

    Prison of Elders
  • Greatly increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from the small chests
  • Class Items will now drop from Level 32, Level 34, and Level 35
  • Fixed a bug in which the Ship (Hildian Seeker) did not drop under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a bug in which the ‘Elder Cipher’ Bounty could not be acquired if your Bounty inventory was full
  • You will need to defeat Skolas again to receive the ‘Elder Cipher’ Bounty
  • Damage caused by Qodron’s Gaze is reduced by 25%
  • Damage multiplier for the Jailbreaker buff increased by 100% Trials of Osiris
  • Fixed an issue in which Trials of Osiris emblems were not sent to the Postmaster if your Emblem inventory was full
  • Passage Coins can now be dismantled Weekly Heroics
  • Fixed an issue where the Weekly Heroic strikes did not award engrams (Note: Tooltip will not display them as rewards) World
  • Increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from Ether Chests
  • Ether Chests may only be looted once per spawn
  • Ether Chests will no longer grant ammo consumables when opened
  • Ether Chests will now grant a small amount of Queen’s Wrath reputation when opened
  • Ether Chests now have a chance to drop Tokens of Flight, Identity, and Judgment Quests
  • Petra will no longer display a quest waypoint for players who have not purchased House of Wolves
  • Fixed a bug in which players abandoning the ‘Gone to Ground’ quest were still being directed to the Venus Patrol Bounties
  • The first Wanted Fallen Bounty completed each week is now guaranteed to drop a Treasure Key Weapons
  • Fixed a bug in which the hotfix mistakenly did not contain the 1.1.1 Fusion Rifle balance changes. As a result, players were playing with its pre-1.1.1 weapon balance state. The original fix has been re-applied. Items
  • Tokens of Flight, Identity, and Judgment can now be dismantled to gain +10 House of Judgement reputation each
  • Ammo consumables can now stack to 100
  • De patch omvangt dus onder andere wapens, quests en het multiplayer event House of Osiris. Loopt het spel bij jullie nog vlekkeloos, of heb je wel degelijk iets gemerkt van problemen na de launch van House of Wolves?
      PureGamer's avatar

      Ik word er van tijd tot tijd nog steeds uitgeknikkerd uit Destiny waarbij je dan zo’n foutmelding ontvangt met een bepaalde naam van een dier er in waar de foutmelding naar verwijst, hebben jullie daar ook nog last van?

      Ik heb het minimaal 1x per dag dat ik Destiny wil spelen en de foutmelding verschilt altijd.

      BustaKiller's avatar

      Zeer goede en welkome update!