Alien: Isolation moet de beroemde serie een nieuwe impuls geven op gamegebied. De spannende verhaallijn van de game zal spelers straks ongeveer 15 uur bezig gaan houden, zo verklaarde lead game designer Gary Napper van ontwikkelaar The Creative Assembly.
Napper vertelde:
The game’s actually about 15 hours long because we’ve got so much to do with the narrative and all the different mechanics of the alien.De Xenomorph vormt tijdens de game een constante dreiging, al is het zeker niet je enige vijand. Maar als je goed bent in stealth kan je je avontuur zeker wat vlotter volbrengen.On top of that we have the other threats about the station, we have a big long story that folds out. Also it’s a bit like a Metroidvania game where you have a linear story you go through but you can also go back and explore areas you’ve been to. You can go back to areas and find new things, explore and open up new areas. There’s a lot to do in the world.
The difficult thing is nailing a time because people can play for absolutely ages without even seeing the alien because they’re being really careful and really stealthy, they’ve done nothing to call him down or there have been no explosions that he has come to investigate. Those people can get through it fairly quickly.
Alien: Isolation verschijnt 7 oktober voor de pc, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 en Xbox One.