Sledgehammer heeft bijzondere E3-onthulling Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Ontwikkelaar Sledgehammer werkt al ruim 3 jaar hard aan Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Aan dit jonge ontwikkelteam de loodzware taak om van Advanced Warfare een Call of Duty te maken die iedereen weer doet verbazen. Volgens studiobazen Glen Schofield en Michael Condrey wordt de E3 volgende maand ‘mind blowing’:

It’s hard to believe that it has been almost three years since we started working on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and the last time we were at E3 we were on the road sharing MW3.

It’s been quite the journey and our show plans are shaping up to be incredibly special. We’ve been busy reading all your comments, watching all your videos, and absolutely glowing with the excitement of sharing more with the greatest community on earth – the Call of Duty community.

The anticipation of showing off the most ambitious project we’ve ever worked on is a truly humbling feeling, and we could not be more proud of the amazing work being crafted by the team at Sledgehammer Games. The studio is buzzing with the excitement and looking forward to sharing more from our game with you.

Kijk jij uit naar deze nieuwe Call of Duty van deze frisse ontwikkelaar? Of verwacht je er weinig van? Laat het ons hieronder weten!