Patch 1.09 voor Killzone: Shadow Fall voegt clans toe aan game

De Amsterdamse ontwikkelaar Guerrilla Games heeft een nieuwe patch uitgebracht voor Killzone: Shadow Fall. Deze voegt onder andere clan-ondersteuning, wat eerder al beschikbaar was via de website, toe aan de game.

Bovendien wordt het dankzij de nieuwe patch makkelijker om te bladeren door de beschikbare Warzones en als kers op de taart kun je vanaf nu met je volledige party deelnemen aan een Warzone. Check de volledige lijst met veranderingen hieronder.

While already available through the website, the functionality is now also implemented in-game. You can invite clan members to a party and clantags are now also added to the player name within the game. It can be viewed in the player card, in the friendslist, etc. You can check your friendlist by pressing touchpad or check the player card through the main menu (go to multiplayer > choose a warzone > press square > show the leaderboard & find the player you are interested in > press cross to open the player card).

Warzone discoverability
We have visually changed the main menu of the Multiplayer and added a top-bar from which you can browse and create new warzones. Also, we expanded the number of recommended warzones to 9 and move the friendslist to the top-right corner. This should make it easier to discover new warzones.

New Warzone options: parties allowed
Players can now select the option to allow parties to join a warzone. Just go to Multiplayer > Create your warzone > go to settings with R1 > Check ‘Parties Allowed’ at the bottom.

Checkpoint saving
We have added additional checkpoint saving to save on every revive event, giving more save points throughout the campaign.

Ability to lock to 30FPS in campaign mode
To guarantee a steadier framerate in the campaign mode, players can now lock their game to 30fps via the options menu.

VC30 exploit fixed
The exploit that let users with a VC30 equipped with the flashlight increase their range has been fixed.