Hitman: Absolution patch verhelpt massa’s bugs

Square Enix heeft PC-bezitters verwend met een nieuwe patch voor Hitman: Absolution. Deze update verhelpt verschillende bugs. Zo is het probleem waarbij de game niet meer wilde opstarten wanneer je bepaalde instellingen gebruikte, voortaan verleden tijd. Ook content die je had vrijgespeeld in de Sniper Challenge wordt dankzij deze patch correct overgeheveld naar de volledige game.

Wanneer je Steam opstart zal de patch automatisch gedownload worden. De volledige lijst met veranderingen vind je hieronder.

  • Players using the Russian language will no longer crash as soon as they use the sniper rifle.
  • Various issues that have been seen on specific configurations that caused the game to not be able to start up at all have been addressed.
  • Problems with the Sniper Challenge Unlocks not carrying over into Hitman: Absolution have been addressed. On first starting the patched game you will receive your unlocks.
  • Problems with negative level-scores have been fixed. Newly accomplished positive scores will be needed to erase your incorrectly remembered negative scores.
  • A problem with keyboard and mouse controls where users would accidentally melee attack a person next to them when they intended to throw an item has been addressed.
  • Legal and Intro movies can now be skipped immediately on startup after the game, on all launches but the very first on a machine.
  • DirectX 10 hardware can now enable the simplest version of the Depth Of Field effect.
  • Problems with audio occasionally being muted after ALT-TAB have been fixed.
  • Various localization fixes.
  • Miscellaneous other stability and general improvements based on crashes we have seen coming in.