Nog anderhalve maand en dan zullen miljoenen gamers weer in de huid kruipen van een assassijn. Dit keer zoals we weten met Assassin’s Creed III in Amerika en aangezien we al flink wat informatie gekregen hebben, zoals te lezen is in onze preview, kan de onthulling van Trophies en Achievements er ook nog wel bij.
De lijst is op het internet gelekt en als je niets van het verhaal wilt weten, bekijk onderstaande lijst dan niet, deze is gevoelig voor spoilers!
Veel van de Trophies en Achievements zullen te maken hebben met de Homestead-feature, die nieuw is en waarbij je een landhuis tot je beschikking hebt. De bonussen die je kunt verdienen zul je moeten behalen door mensen naar je buurt lokken om ze er te laten komen wonen. Ook tijdens zeegevechten zijn er Trophies/Achievements te verdienen. In dit officiële derde deel heeft Ubisoft er voor gekozen minder multiplayer bonussen in de game te stoppen, en wel slechts vier. Eén Trophy/Achievement krijg je als je level 20 bent in de multiplayer.
De PlayStation 3-versie heeft 51 Trophies en de Xbox 360-versie bevat 50 Achievements voor 1.000G. Onderstaande lijst toont alle te behalen prijzen.
- (10) Rude Awakening – Re-Enter the Animus.
- (20) [SECRET] Daddy Dearest – Complete Present – Stadium.
- (20) [SECRET] Criss Cross – Complete Present – Skyscraper.
- (20) [SECRET] The End is Nigh – Complete Present – Abstergo.
- (20) No Good Deed Goes Unpunished – Open the Temple Door and learn Desmond’s fate.
- (20) Mystery Guest – Complete Sequence 1 & 2.
- (20) How D’ya Like Them Apples – Complete Sequence 3.
- (20) Heroes are Born – Complete Sequence 4.
- (20) The Day the Templars Cried – Complete Sequence 5.
- (20) Tea is for Englishmen – Complete Sequence 6.
- (20) The Whites of Their Eyes – Complete Sequence 7.
- (20) Caged Wolf – Complete Sequence 8.
- (20) Two if by Sea – Complete Sequence 9.
- (20) Grim Expectations – Complete Sequence 10.
- (20) Difficult End – Complete Sequence 11.
- (50) The Sum of Truth – Complete Sequence 12.
- (50) Perfectionist – Complete 100% of all main mission constraints.
- (10) An Extraordinary Man – Complete the Encyclopedia of the Common Man.
- (10) Patent Not Pending – Craft one of Franklin’s inventions to decorate your Manor.
- (10) House Party – Recruit any of the Artisans and see them settled on the Homestead.
- (20) A Complete Set – See all the optional characters settled at the Homestead.
- (20) Original Gamer – Win a game of Fanorona, Morris and Bowls on the Homestead.
- (20) Bring Down the House – Explore Fort Wolcott.
- (30) Kidd Gloves – Uncover the mystery of Oak Island.
- (40) All Washed Up – Complete all Naval Missions aboard the Aquila.
- (20) Entrepreneur, not Pirate! – Complete all 12 Privateer Contracts.
- (10) Tumblehome – Upgrade the Aquila.
- (20) By Invitation Only – Be invited to join a Club.
- (30) In Good Standing – Complete all challenges for any of the Clubs.
- (20) Man of the People – Liberate all districts in Boston OR New York.
- (10) Monopoly Man – Send a convoy to Boston, New York and the Frontier.
- (20) [SECRET] Head in the Cloud – Find all pivots and sync the Animus to the Cloud.
- (20) Blowing in the Wind – Retrieve every page for one of Ben Franklin’s Almanacs.
- (50) Completionist – Complete ALL progress tracker grid entries.
- (20) Multitasking – Complete 50% of the Progress Tracker entries.
- (20) Spit Roast – Perform a double assassination using a musket.
- (10) Circus Act – Kill 15 guards with a single cannon shot.
- (10) Predator – Hang 5 enemies by using rope darts.
- (10) Prince of Thieves – Loot a convoy without killing any of its guards.
- (10) Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye! – Block a firing line 5 times by using a human shield.
- (20) Jager Bomb – After becoming fully Notorious, kill 10 Jagers before losing your notoriety.
- (20) Magna cum Laude – Have a Trainee reach the Assassin Rank.
- (10) Coureur des Bois – Exchange undamaged pelts at all different general stores.
- (10) Eye Witness – Witness a predator killing an enemy.
- (30) Fin – Complete each of the epilogue missions unlocked after the credits roll.
- (10) Abstergo Entertainment – Reach level 20 in the multiplayer mode.
- (20) Hunter/Killer – Reach sequence 10 in a map on Wolfpack multiplayer mode.
- (20) Winning Team – Be on the winning team at the end of a multiplayer game session.
- (10) Personalized – Customize your multiplayer Profile and Character.
- (20) The Truth Will Out – Unlock a hacked version of one of the Abstergo videos in the story quest.