Regisseur Tony Gilroy bespreekt The Bourne Legacy

Jeremy Renner heeft een kleine, maar vette rol in The Avengers als Hawkeye. Binnenkort steelt hij echter de show in The Bourne Legacy.

Regisseur Tony Gilroy is zich bewust van de verwachtingen van de fans. Hij zei er het volgende over:

To make it live, we had to go wider and have a wider perspective, I guess it’s well known now it’s a much wider story and a much wider horizon, and that has a whole bunch of different demands. A part of the fun is playing on the lore of stuff that happened before. You have to make a movie people can see for the first time and not know what happened before, but you also want to pay back people who have been paying attention along the way.

De ster van de originele trilogie, Jason Bourne, zal niet terugkeren. Renner speelt een nieuw character genaamd Aaron Cross. Gilroy verteld over de verschillen tussen de twee.
Cousin programs, different skill sets, and different attitudes. Both have a need, a different need. That was the only reason I would jump on this, otherwise you’re just knitting together an action movie, and that’s not that big a deal. He’s certainly not the same guy. He doesn’t have amnesia and is not trying to figure out who he is. He knows exactly who he is, but he has a big problem. This character has another problem, one that is hopefully just as fundamental and mythic.

Geen geheugenverlies dus voor Renner, wat dan wel zijn probleem is wordt duidelijk als de film in augustus in de bios verschijnt!