Peter Molyneux, voormalig directeur van Lionhead Studios, deed tijdens de afgelopen Xbox Spring Showcase een opvallende uitspraak. De beste man liet weten zich “dood te vervelen” met de “fucking controllers.” Molyneux is daarom ook zo enthousiast over Microsoft’s Kinect.
Toen Molyneux werd gevraagd waarom de Kinect-geörienteerde game Fable: The Journey zo weinig tutorials heeft, antwoordde hij:
The joy must be, for me, is discovering it yourself. I’m going to get totally over the top here, and this is the stuff that gets me in trouble. I’m just bored to death with fucking controllers. I am!Molyneux vervolgde zijn tirade:[A controller] is about as experimental as a brick these days. Because you know what it is, whatever game you do, you pick up this controller and you do the same. Your thumb moves here, you can’t move your thumb like this, you can only move it like this. Your finger goes here, you pull the trigger, and you expect an arrow to be fired, a shot to be fired from a gun, whatever it is, and you use this finger occasionally. That’s it. That’s it.
And this is the whole of your experience, the entirety. 100% of your experience in this game is what you do with this thumb and this finger. That sounds rubbish. If I would come into this Spring Showcase – and let’s imagine if the world was the other way round. Imagine if we had Kinect and I came in and said look, this is the best gaming device in the entire world, and you said, ‘Oh really? What’s it do?’ You can use your thumb, this finger and this thumb – you’d slaughter me!Tot slot maakte Molyneux een vergelijking met de Britse tienersoap Hollyoaks:
There’s got to be more, man. There’s got to be more than that. This is like the Hollyoaks of gaming. I mean, it is. Okay, you can sit and watch Hollyoaks from ’til the cows come home and you can feel your life draining away from you. I just want people to approach a gaming experience and think, ‘What if I do this?’Molyneux kwam eerder deze week al in het nieuws omdat hij, na vijftien jaar trouwe dienst, besloot te vertrekken bij Lionhead Studios.