Bioware verwacht geen launchproblemen met The Old Republic

Bij de launch van elke grote MMO maken mensen zich altijd zorgen over de lancering. Zullen de servers het houden? Gaat alles soepel? Volgens Frank Gibeau van Electronic Arts hoeven we ons daar geen zorgen over te maken. Sowieso is er al een kooplimiet ingesteld:

“We’ve taken a very detailed approach to looking at how do we maximize the customer experience when they go online with Star Wars – how to maximize the fun that they’re having online, the stability, the quality?”

“We’re using our beta test to inform us of what scale that we can handle. Our pre-order campaign is tailored towards how we’re going to do that.

“We’re looking at a rollout plan that is fairly ambitious. We don’t feel like we’re going to be leading too much demand behind at launch but we definitely are going to be very cautious and thoughtful about how many people we bring on and in what order.

“It’s a very interesting proposition from that standpoint because you have the Star Wars brand that draws in a lot of people. That is a good thing because we think we can sustain the business over a very long time as we grow. There’s going to continually be new customer segments that we can open up and bring into the service.”

Star Wars: The Old Republic verschijnt op 20 december in Europa en de Verenigde Staten.