Diablo III Q&A gelekt

Reeds is een Q&A (Questions & Answers)-artikel gelekt. Hierin worden een aantal (nieuwe) zaken besproken die eigenlijk nog niet uitgebracht mochten worden als nieuws. De info is vrijgegeven door een Blizzard insider, die zijn identiteit om logische redenen niet bekend wilt maken. Een gedeelte van het artikel kun je hier lezen:

Q: Do skills with no runes applied to them seem to stay on par with runed skills? That is to say, does the original, runeless, hydra do competitive damage and scale as well as the lightning, acid, or however runed hydras? Just as an example.

A: No, it’s always more beneficial to have a runed version of the base skill. If however you like the base spell in its original form, there is always a rune (almost always Golden Rune) that doesn’t change the mechanic of the spell too much, but just improves some aspect of it. Hydra is one of very few examples where the golden rune slightly changes the mechanic as well, but is the only one that keeps it as fire.

Q: Have you had a chance to play with any summon focused WDs? Are they as viable as Summon Necros were?

A: Yes. They are extremely viable. They play a bit differently to Necromancers in D2. Rather than sitting there playing an inactive role watching your minions kill everything and re-summoning ones that die, the WD actively works with and “supervises” their minions, such as position them as suicide bombers, cast spells on them that temporarily do things to them, and generally maintain the overall strategic direction of them. It’s a much more active role as a summoner than it was in D2.

Q: So theres 10 levels of gems now instead of 14 which would take 1215 level 5 gems to create a level 10 gem. Can you socket a level 7-10 gem in a low level item and give it to a level 15 player for “twinking”?

A: The only restriction on gem’s is level requirement. This means that you can put a high-level gem in a low level item, however if you don’t meet the level requirement of the them, it’s bonus doesn’t work for you when you equip the item.

Q: When Mike Moreheime passes you in the office does he make eye contact with his deep wood brown eyes or does he just walk past you like the ghost of a dream?

A: I’ve never met him in person.

Q: Is wall of zombies any decent??

A: It’s one of the best defensive spells out there. WD + friendlies can walk through it.

Q: I’ve posted my question in the first QA and the second QA (first to post in the second one…) but you still haven’t answered mine: Have you tried the Barbarian? If so, how does the lvl 26 skill work where he summons the guys from the ancients? Do they all do different types of damage?

A: I have never seen such a spell, or any kind of summoning/pet spell for the Barb.

Q: What are the bonuses you get from gems? And do they get more bonuses as they level up?

A: Every gem type has it’s own stats depending on what you put it in. Higher level gems simply add higher quantities of the bonus. What you want me to list them all? I only remember bits and peices. Each attribute (ie willpower, vitality etc) is represented in some form of gem type, plus a host of other stats, such as resists, spell damage etc.

Q:Is the number of skills per char currently 30? Also, can you name which 7 skills your Wiz had equipped? You’ve mentioned 3 I think, what were the other 4?

A: More lik 20-25 skills per class. I change skills and runes all the time, the debug build lets us reset our points at will and spawn runes. I’ve used all of them at least once, not all runes combinations though.

Q: Hi i have two questions, first being if the artisans level with you does that mean that in nm/hell they come with you and you keep all of your recipes, or when you go to nm/hell they restart? and this is strictly a guess but is familiar by chance the sorcerer from d2 (act 1 town) and d1 in Tristam

A: Artisans persist through difficulty levels and never reset. You get the Blacksmith and Jeweler in Normal difficulty, the Mystic comes to you in Nightmare difficulty in Act 3.

Q: How would you compare the monster variety to D2? Are the monsters more interesting or challenging? Tell us about a cool monster ability/attack we haven’t seen yet?

A: Monsters are more “squad-like”, meaning that they usually work together in some way. Skeleton Archers regularly have shield-bearers in front of them for example. Every monster functions differently and have some kind of flavor. I don’t know if it has been shown, but the nightmare difficulty Marauder-type monsters throw 3 spinning swords that have a random direction pattern, so you don’t know where it’s going to go until the last second. It hurts if it hits you.

Q: Is there any cooldown or other kind of limit to how often you can cast Teleport? What are some other TP Rune effects?

A: Teleport currently has a 8 second cooldown. There is a trait that reduces it. One rune leaves a copy of yourself where you teleported from that monsters continue to attack. In PVP, this same rune also causes players not to see the casting animation of the teleport, so they don’t know you teleported. Until they notice two versions of you.

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Diablo III wordt medio 2012 uitgebracht voor de PC.