Scribblenauts geïnspireerd door Nintendogs

Scribblenauts en Nintendogs lijken totaal niets met elkaar gemeen te hebben, maar toch is er een verband tussen deze twee games. Gamestudio 5th Cell laat namelijk weten dat zij heel goed hebben gekeken naar Nintendogs om te achterhalen wat de verzorgsimulator tot een waar succes heeft geleid, aldus mede-oprichter van 5th Cell Jeremiah Slaczka:

People think that Scribblenauts was some crazy idea, but when I was designing the base concept, I looked at Nintendogs. I asked, ‘Why is that a market leader?’ And I broke it down scientifically, looking at things – the art style, how the input works. The core theme is puppies, and you know, nobody hates puppies. We call it ‘marketable innovation. Commercial viability is extremely important to us. When we do something, we don’t just throw it at a wall and hope it sticks. We look at market data, what people are interested in playing, and offer our own take on that. … We call ourselves innovative and different — that’s kind of our MO. So if we’re going to say that, we shouldn’t be stuck in our comfort zone. Whenever we do another project, we want to push the boundaries of what’s comfortable to us. … That’s why we come into work every day.
Slaczka nam de verrassing en de elementen verbeelding over van Nintendogs en creëerde zo met veel succes Scribblenauts.