Bioware heeft zojuist drie nieuwe DLC pakketten onthuld. Deze bevatten elk nieuwe armor, wapens en items voor een bepaalde klasse uit het spel. De DLC packs dragen allemaal een prijskaartje van 240 BioWare of Microsoft Points met zich mee, terwijl je voor 400 punten alle drie de pakketten in je bezit hebt. Xbox 360 en PC-bezitters kunnen de DLC vanaf vandaag downloaden, maar PlayStation 3-gebruikers zullen uiteraard nog even geduld moeten hebben. Tegen de tijd dat het PSN weer werkt zullen zij de content ook voor respectievelijk $3 en $4,99 kunnen downloaden. Check het volledige overzicht per pakket hieronder.
Mage: The story of the Hawke family began with the forbidden love of a fugitive mage hiding from the chantry, and the noblewoman who abandoned her life of power and privilege to flee across Thedas with the man she loved. These mementos of Malcolm and Leandra Hawke’s adventures have now passed to their children. Take up the family legacy, and write your own chapter of the Hawke family tale. This item pack includes relics and mementos of untold power for use by your mage and mage followers.Rogue: Collected here are the storied items of the greatest scoundrels the Dragon Age has ever known. Dashing liars and murderous shadows – the best and worst that rogues offer. Add to the legacy, or just enjoy the fact that as good as they were, you have their stuff. This item pack includes new armour, weapons, and accessories for use by your rogue and rogue followers.
Warrior: The original owner of this priceless collection was an Orlesian chevalier who was stabbed in the heart thirteen times. His prized possessions were taken from fin at the time of his death, and since then, anyone who has claimed a piece of his stolen property has met a gruesome and untimely end. each piece of this collection would make a princely gift for a warrior in your company. But would you tempt fate, and risk the wrath of a man murdered in cold blood? This item pack includes a collection of arms, armour and accessories for your warriors and warrior followers.