Meer details over de 300 sequel

Na het succes van 300 kwamen de ideeën voor het maken van een sequel al snel. Frank Miller zette de eerste stappen met het maken van een graphic novel en met dat boek als uitgangspunt begon Zack Snyder aan het vervaardigen van een script. De film, die in de eerste berichten bekend stond als ‘Xerxes’ maar momenteel weer zonder naam zit, begint nu vorm te krijgen. Snyder is klaar met het script.

Producer Mark Canton sprak op de CinemaCon over het project:

It’s not called Xerxes anymore. We don’t know [what it’s called] yet. It’s been worth the wait. You know, that group of people [who worked on ‘300’], we’re really a family. That’s part of what made that movie so gratifying. Rather than doing the bad sequel, Zack led the way, we took our time. And now I think we have something that is going to be fantastic.
Snyder is momenteel nog druk bezig met zijn Superman film. Het begin van de opnames van de 300 sequel zal van de vorderingen van dat project afhangen. Canton maakte in ieder geval alvast het een en ander duidelijk over wat we kunnen verwachten:
The story will be the same heft as ‘300′ but it cover a much, much greater span of time — it’s 10 years, not three days… This is a more complex story. The story is so much larger. The Spartans in ‘300′ were being enclosed by the page as the world got smaller. This story has truly vast subjects. The Athenian naval fleet, for instance, is a massive artistic undertaking and it dwarfed by the Persian fleet, which is also shown in this story. The story has elements of espionage, too, and it’s a sweeping tale with gods and warriors. The new tale climaxes with a massive naval confrontation that is so dense that it is fought like a land war and it ends on the same day as the events of 300.
En verder:
…the story starts with the Battle of Marathon” … “The lead character is Themistocles, who became warlord of Greece and built their navy. The story is very different than ‘300? in that it involves Xerxes search for godhood. The existence of gods are presupposed in this story and the idea is that he well on his way to godhood by the end of the story. With Themistocles I have a character who is almost the dead opposite of Leonidas in that Themistocles was a lying, conniving, brilliant, heroic figure. He was nicknamed ‘The Subtle Serpent’ and he always manages to do the exact right things that will result in him benefiting greatly.