EA toont key features van De Sims 3 voor 3DS

De komst van de veel begeerde 3DS brengt ons ook een nieuwe versie van De Sims 3. De key features die EA vandaag vrijgaf moeten ons alvast ophypen voor deze nieuwe kijk op De Sims 3:

Key Features

First Complete Life Simulation from The Sims franchise on the Nintendo 3DS! Create any Sim you can imagine and control their lives. Control multiple Sims within your household and enjoy life’s special moments as you interact with their world.

Build a Sim With Your Own Likeness! Use the 3DS camera to capture your own likeness and create yourself as a Sim. With the stylus, you can sculpt your Sims’ facial features, choose their hair styles and clothing and dictate their personalities.

Trade your Sims with your friends! Through Nintendo StreetPass, trade your Sims with other 3DS owners!

Travel to Different Zones with Your Sims! These zones will be unique destinations for your Sims and will contain community features and buildable lots for your Sims’ homes.

Unlock all-new Karma Powers. Wield the ultimate control over your Sims by interacting directly with the 3DS handheld. Blow into the handheld to unleash tranquil butterflies on your Sims or shake to trigger an earthquake. It all depends on how many Karma Points you have!

De mogelijkheid om je eigen gezicht te implementeren belooft veel goeds, maar ook het uitwisselen van huizen en Sims binnen de Sims community lijkt een interessante feature te worden. Hoe het uit gaat pakken, weten we pas komende lente.