Nieuwe details PS3-versie van Mass Effect 2 bekendgemaakt

Veel nieuwe details over de PS3-versie van Mass Effect 2 werden bekendgemaakt via Bioware’s siocal network website. Een vertegenwoordiger van Bioware, Nathalie Edelmann, heeft nieuwe informatie gepost over wat spelers kunnen verwachten in de PS3-versie.

* The game will have an interactive comic known as Dark Horse which will narrate the backstory of Mass Effect and allow the player to make decisions which will affect their playthrough during ME 2.

* The three previously released DLC “Kasumi: Stolen Memories”, “Overlord” and “hiding the Shadow Broker ‘ will be included in the blu-ray.

* A unique code will also come with the game which will allow you to access all the content released so far for ME 2.

* Most interestingly, a new mission which offers about 6 hours of playtime will be included in the PS3 version.

Wat is inbegrepen is zeker niet slecht en zal PS3 fans kunnen overhalen om het spel te gaan kopen.