Treyarch: ”Het balanceren van Black Ops was een uitdaging”

Treyarch heeft gezegd dat het balanceren van Call of Duty: Black Ops een uitdaging was vergeleken bij de andere Call of Duty games op hun naam.

Community manager Josh Olin vertelde dat de moeilijkheden met het balanceren ontstonden na het toevoegen van COD points en de wat krachtigere wapens.

“It has been a much more difficult game to balance but the team really stepped up to the plate. This has been the most difficult to balance and there are a lot of things that contribute to that such as the earn rate and spend rate of CoD points, plus XP is always a tough thing to balance out.

With all these things we’re adding to purchase you have to balance not only the weapons and perks against each other but also when you consider how much they’re going to cost.”

Het balanceren van de game was allemaal stukken moeilijker geweest als Treyarch niet zo verbonden zou zijn met de Call of Duty serie.

“Almost two years ago now, they re-focused all their efforts on retooling the studio and on the development process. One of those was having every developer focusing on Call of Duty when we were working on World at War.

Now it has allowed us to have a dedicated single-player and multi-player team since day one. They haven’t been distracted by other things so it has allowed out MP team to use their resources to make more than we’ve ever made before, but also really polish and balance it to the degree that we felt was necessary.”

Zoals je kunt lezen was het een uitdaging om deze game te balanceren, maar de mensen van Treyarch hebben er hun uiterste best op gedaan. Ik heb er in ieder geval veel vertrouwen in.

Call of Duty: Black Ops zal op 9 November in de winkel liggen voor PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, en de Nintendo Wii