Tijdens een interview met Gamasutra heeft Ed Boon, uitvoerend producent van de Mortal Kombat-serie, laten weten dat de aankomende Mortal Kombat, die in 2011 zijn ronde zal doen, terug zal keren naar de roots van de serie en weer knotsgekke en brute fatalities zal bevatten.
Verder wist de beste man hieraan toe te voegen dat het lijkt alsof het alweer een tijd geleden is dat er een Mortal Kombat-game is verschenen, ondanks de release van Mortal Kombat vs. DC enkele jaren terug. Dit komt doordat Mortal Kombat vs. DC geen volwassen game was en daardoor simpelweg niet genoeg aandacht trok, aldus Ed Boon.
You know, we’ve actually kind of rebooted the presentation and the fighting and all that a couple of times in the past. With Deadly Alliance, in 2002, we did. And so we just really felt like, along with the post-MK vs. DC T-rated thing, and the fact that we haven’t rebooted our whole presentation and fighting mechanic in awhile, it was just the perfect time for all that to happen.So from that standpoint, yeah, it did really well, but at the same time, it created a great opportunity for us, because it gave us a break in terms of a period of time which there hasn’t been an M-rated Mortal Kombat, and created this hunger for a return.
So I guess that I really feel like the planets are aligned, and in so many ways; it’s the first M-rated MK on this generation of consoles, our last game was a T-rated game… You know, there certainly is a resurgence of games returning to their classic form; Street Fighter, Sonic the Hedgehog, now the more recent Twisted Metal, and there’s just a good amount of this trend that’s happening.