Tegen IndustryGamers vertelde John Schappert, EA’s chief operating officer, dat hij helemaal weg is van de 3DS, de nieuwe handheld van Nintendo. Sterker nog, de beste man denkt dat 3DS-en als warme broodjes over de toonbank zullen vliegen:
“The 3DS is just incredibly cool. The 3DS is magical. You put that in your hand, you look down, and all of a sudden it’s in 3D without glasses. That’s an amazing experience. I’m a huge fan. I think that device is going to sell like hot cakes. I think it’s going to do incredibly well, and in typical Nintendo fashion they have re-energized the industry, yet again. I give them nothing but credit and we are excited to be supporting that platform with Madden, FIFA, and The Sims that we announced.”Shappert was dus niet zuinig wat betreft lofzang over de 3DS. Over de PSP, daarentegen, was hij minder enthousiast…
“I hope they’re able to breathe new life into [the PSP] because it’s been a very nice platform to date, but it has been soft of late… I’d like to see Sony do well… It feels like yesterday when the PSP was on allocation because of Monster Hunter, wasn’t it? So, you know, give them credit. The boys are smart… they’ll do OK.”Het moge dus duidelijk zijn dat EA’s Schappert veel heil ziet in de 3DS. Of zijn overtuiging ook terug te zien zal zijn in de bewegingen van het hele bedrijf, is nog maar de vraag, maar de man heeft in ieder geval een punt.