Als je kijkt naar de statistieken dan verkopen PC games beter dan die van de next-gen consoles. Valve’s marketing man Lombordi heeft gezegd dat Valve lacht om sterfverhalen over de PC. De ontwikkelaar is erg succesvol met de gamesoftware Steam en geeft al jaren games uit voor de PC.
- “We sort of laugh at it. Our games have all done really, really well, Steam has taken off and become this whole other business for us, Valve has never been in better shape–and yet everybody is talking about how in the PC world, the sky is falling.”
Hun eerste binnenhuis ontwikkelde game The Orange Box verkoopt als een trein en Valve is enorm gegroeid sinds de oprichting. Wat nou de PC is dood?
- “We’ve been doing this for 10 years now–actually 12 years since the company started, 10 years since the first game came out–and we’ve never been in better shape, financially or otherwise. The company is over 160 people now–it was 20 people when we shipped Half-Life. We’ve got multiple projects going–we were always a one-project-at-a-time group.”