Sony man Scott Steinberg vindt dat Microsoft gefaald heeft. Volgens hem heeft de ontwikkelaar niet voldoende gebruik gemaakt van de voorsprong in tijd op de PlayStation 3. Ook meldde Steinberg dat Halo 3 de grote troef van de Xbox 360 was, maar de game Microsoft niet veel verder heeft geholpen dan waar ze al was met de eerste Xbox.
- “Microsoft made no real capitalisation of its one-year head start over PS3, and failed to reach beyond the core first person shooter player. The time that they had to create huge distance and build a massive install base before the PS3 could really take root; that opportunity is over and there’s no real capitalization of it.”
“They had a great crescendo moment with Halo and it helped catapult them into a pretty strong position towards the back end of last year, but they were still within a stone’s throw of where they were with the original Xbox. To me that speaks of a failure to broaden their reach beyond the core first person shooter player who was in their back pocket for Xbox.”
“The question for us is ‘are they really going after the PS2 demographic? Are they stealing share from us?’ And the answer is no,”
aldus Steinberg.
Steinberg rekent op de miljoenen PlayStation 2 fans om in de komende twee à drie jaar up te graden naar een PlayStation 3. Dat is volgens hem het geheime wapen van Sony.
- “That’s the secret weapon, that’s what goes unreported. It’s this 41 million universe of PS2 owners that will be targeted very, very soon to upgrade to a PS3 Blu-ray machine.”