Q&A met Tecmo over Trapt

Vandaag heeft Tecmo een interview vrijgegeven met één van de belangrijkste personen achter de schermen van de vernieuwende game Trapt. In het interview wordt vooral uitgelegd hoe de game nou precies in elkaar zit en wat het doel van de game is. Ook krijg je uitleg van een paar van de vallen, waar de excentrieke game om draait, voorgeschoteld. Trapt moet op 24 februari in de schappen liggen voor slechts 39,95.

    Q: Could you please introduce yourself and explain in what capacity you
    worked on Trapt?

    My name is Hitoshi Hasegawa, I used to be the CG Director and Project
    Manager of Project Zero. In Trapt, I also worked as Director of
    Development and Promotion.

    Q: The gameplay of Trapt is highly unique. How would you best describe
    it to gamers who might be unaware of it as yet? And what were the
    influences behind its striking combination of action, strategy and

    Trapt is the latest in the so-called Deception series, which is a trap
    action title based on the concept of the player being a disreputable
    character. In the game, trap combos are triggered if you place and hit
    consecutive traps, and discovering the best combos is the most fun part
    of the game. It’s something that all players can enjoy even if
    they aren’t aware of the series as a whole.

    In Trapt we have introduced a series of big, special traps called the
    Dark Illusions, and we’ve designed the layout of the game so
    that the player can design their strategic plan using a combination of
    Dark Illusions and normal traps.

    Q: Did the development team research any medieval torture devices for
    the game? And where did the ideas for some of the more outlandish ones
    come from, like the killer clock?

    We collected a lot of art books and photo material of torture devices
    for our reference. We then set about designing the traps based on
    existing historical items and then modified them so that they would be
    good for a videogame. Some of the traps were inspired by comic books and
    films. However, most of the traps are ideas that emerged from members of
    our staff. As for the killer clock, that was inspired
    by a scene from a specific Anime.

    Q: Between the central personalities and the enemies that infiltrate
    Allura’s castle, there are a lot characters in Trapt. Was it
    difficult developing back stories for them all?

    All the enemies in the game have their own back stories. This is one of
    the features that the Deception series is renowned for in Japan. As a
    development team, we’re of the opinion that it’s fun
    rather than a chore to build histories for all of these characters. Even
    the minor enemies have their own reasons to fight and their own unique
    way of thinking. We want the player to defeat their enemies, but to also
    feel guilty about doing this. This is why we made such detailed back
    stories even for the enemies. I personally want the players to have
    acknowledged the enemy’s life before defeating them, to realize
    that the enemy about to die does have a life of their own.

    Q: The plot, while apparently a simple tale of royal revenge, also has a
    lot of complexities woven into it. Can you explain the supernatural
    influence that occur in Allura’s story and, in particular, give
    some insight into the motivation behind the Fiend?

    Ultimately, everything is attributable to human will. This is the core
    theme of the plot. Every character in Trapt has their own purpose and
    will, and those around them become affected by these forces. Many of
    individuals’ wills and purposes are deeply interwoven, and
    Allura’s task is to question and test what it means to be human
    through these interactions.

    The supernatural power (manifested in the Fiend character) that Allura
    becomes tangled up in by chance, is attributable to the hatred of some
    of the individuals in question. I shouldn’t really tell you the
    details such as motivation behind the Fiend before you play. However,
    let’s just say they are deeply related to our human will and

    Q: There are also two sets of side stories that can be accessed by the
    player. Can you tell us how these connect with the central plot?

    At the beginning of the developmental process, the main story was too
    huge and it made the playing time way too long. So, we reduced the main
    story. The side story supports and explains the main story and within
    this tale other unique characters start to appear. If you want to get
    through the game quickly, then we suggest you stick to the main story.
    If you’d prefer to understand the whole plot you should play
    both the main story and the side story at the same time.

    Q: Can you give us a brief description of how the trap combinations
    work, and can you let us know what the maximum number is that can be
    triggered at any one time?

    Okay, here’s an example. A room has floor needles that shoot out
    when enemy steps on it. You can then use a spring floor section to throw
    an enemy onto the spiked part of the floor, or you can use a moving
    section of wall to push an enemy onto this area. As such, you can make a
    two hit combo as part of your opening trap combination.

    The player can have only three active traps at any one time. However, by
    combining these with the environmental traps in each room they can make
    a maximum 99 hit combo.

    Q: Each room of the castle has its own unique trap. Could you describe
    how these interact with the traps that the player sets?

    The traps owned by the player per mission can only produce a limited
    combination. As a result, you need to combine the room specific traps
    with your own to generate greater damage. This is a feature that creates
    a flexible style of play for the player.

    For example, if you pass an electric current through to the water area,
    the whole area becomes an extended electric shock trap. If you push an
    enemy into a fireplace with another trap, the enemy burns. So, it is
    important that you take time to study each feature of the traps, and
    then strategically select and combine them. The most fun part of the
    game is to create your own original trap combos.

    Q: Does the development team have a favourite trap at all?

    The Hanging Chain is the one. The trap hangs the enemy by his legs, and
    it’s kind of humorous watching them struggle. It also captures
    the enemy for a long time, thus, you can combine other traps and easily
    create a massive combo.

    Q: The dark illusion traps are incredibly powerful. How does the player
    gain access to them?

    The conditions under which the player gains access to The Dark Illusions
    are specific to each variation. You have to find the right conditions
    through an understanding of the features of the room and its structure.

    For example the room that holds the Dark Illusion Melody of
    Scream has two candles, and one of them is turned off. You can
    activate the Dark Illusion by turning on the candle with the aid of the
    normal Pendulum trap, and then bring your enemies to
    their knees with the effects of this powerful device. So, as in this
    example, you have to find the right conditions by watching carefully and
    using your imagination.

    Q: Was it difficult tailoring the enemy AI to ensure that they
    didn’t just blindly stumble into all the traps the player sets
    for them?

    Yes, it was difficult. We had an especially hard time making the
    individual moves of each enemy based upon their character. Some of the
    enemies remember where they have been trapped before, and next time they
    avoid passing through the same area. Some of them make comical moves to
    avoid traps. We definitely had a lot of fun tailoring and adjusting the
    AI to suit these funnier moments.

    This kind of adjustment and refinement is a key process in developing
    videogames. It’s not just a case of simply finishing the game,
    you then have to adjust the AI stats from the moment the trap springs
    right through to their final movement. The enemy reactions really do add
    to the overall charm of Trapt.

    Q: The enemies arrive at the castle with a number of means of attacking
    Allura. Some use melee weapons, some projectiles and some magic. Can you
    say which are the most problematic for our heroine to deal with?

    In the later part of the game, all enemy attacks by the enemies can
    inflict huge damage on Allura. The magical attacks that have a long
    range are the most problematic.

    When Allura is attacked by magic, she can become caught be a condition
    penalty like being frozen and thus get repeatedly
    hit by the enemy. If the players aren’t careful, they can easily
    lose all her life in a minute.

    Q: Can you explain how the game’s boss battles come about and
    how enemy immunity to certain traps adds to the challenge in these

    I cannot explain all the variations in detail. Let’s just say
    that you quickly realise the differences when you face the bosses
    through play. The game has several endings, and you may not reach the
    true final boss the first time you finish. Also, it is difficult to
    defeat the ultimate boss unless you find his weakness first.

    YpoX's avatar

    dat is een heel verhaal.

    Bub’z's avatar

    egt wel 😮

    Rijstekorrel's avatar

    jezus man wat een verhaal