Running With Scissors reageert op aantijgingen

Normaal gesproken reageert Vince Desi van Running With Scissors, de ontwikkelaar achter de controversiële Postal-games, niet publiekelijk op beschuldigingen, maar dit keer is dat anders. Dit keer wordt de ontwikkelaar namelijk beschuldigd van het aanzetten tot het bizarre steekincident in een Russische synagoge.

Volgens enkele Russische media speelde de dader het liefst Postal en daarmee is voor sommige mensen direct aangetoond dat Postal aanzet tot geweld en in dit geval zelfs anti-Semitisme. Vince heeft daarop het volgende te zeggen:

    “In this case, the hypocrisy and irresponsible anti-game zealotry has never been more obvious. Mr. Thompson ignores the fact that the assailant was enthralled by a racist book that espouses anti-Semitic hatred.

    “Throughout our company’s history, we’ve diligently avoided behavior that might be seen as exploiting a real life tragedy. We extend our sincere sympathies to the victims and their families. Despite our renegade image, we have ALWAYS maintained that violence belongs in videogames, NOT on the streets. Real life violence is reprehensible and unacceptable. We wish no ill upon anyone, not even Mr. Thompson, despite his despicable, self-serving campaign to spread misinformation and hateful invective about Running With Scissors and POSTAL, in particular and the entire videogame industry in general.

    “Running With Scissors believes that videogames serve as an outlet for aggressive tendencies, not as their instigator. POSTAL is a social parody in the form of a videogame. If games turned players into murderers we’d be up to our necks in corpses. The independent POSTAL franchise has been a convenient scapegoat for misinformation and outright fabrications by “journalists” and politicians throughout its history.

    “Unlike other violent videogames on the market, POSTAL makes no attempt to defend or justify violence committed by the player. Points aren’t awarded for shooting someone in the face. There are no missions based on slaughtering innocent bystanders. You play in a detailed environment and are given simple tasks such as buying milk and cashing a paycheck. As in the real world, the player may find weapons in that environment if they seek them. And, just as in the real world, the choice of what to do with those weapons is yours. Misuse results in severe consequences, in POSTAL you’re always held accountable. In our opinion that makes POSTAL 2 the most politically correct game ever made.”

Een compleet statement vind je hier.