Battlefield 2: zo hoor je het te spelen

Sinds Battlefield 2 op de markt is, spelen vele van jullie deze online simulatie van moderne oorlogsvoering. Enkele van jullie zullen zich afvragen, schaam je er niet voor, dat is niet nodig, hoe je nu werkelijk succesvol kunt zijn in deze game.

Welnu, er is een antwoord in de vorm van een uitgebreid document met een 10+ stappenplan. Hier volgt een uittreksel:

    Always Punish Team Kills!
    This is the primary goal of Battlefield 2; to punish your teammates as much as possible and as frequently as possible! Unleash your unbridled nerd rage to lash out upon all that surround you, taking out years of aggression on digital representations of those who beat you up in junior high school and forced you to drink roofing tar. Did a teammate somehow kill you after your character ran directly in front of his jeep, giving him absolutely no chance to stop or avoid you? Punish them! Did you decide to hold a breakdancing jamboree on top of a minefield, one where you’re the guest of honor? Make them pay! You’re untouchable online, and every punishment for a team kill gets you one step closer to defeating the ghosts of Billy Reynolds, the football player who caught and made fun of you in the locker room for masturbating to an erotic drawing of Garfield. Be sure to always punish for team kills if you play on the American side, as our country is known far and wide for its citizens blaming others for their own unbridled idiocy.

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    evil pannekoek's avatar

    klinkt goed!! 😆

    Fawaka-W's avatar

    gehehe wel grappig.