Boiling Point-patch nu ook voor Europa beschikbaar

Zul je net zien: ben je bezig met een opdracht voor een obscuur figuur in Zuid-Amerika, sta je het volgende moment ineens op een plek die verdacht veel op je Windows bureaublad lijkt. Dit kan gebeuren in Boiling Point: Road to Hell, als je niet de nieuwe patch hebt geïnstalleerd.

Niet alleen crashes worden verholpen, ook andere vreemde zaken die in Realia kunnen gebeuren zullen nu niet meer voorkomen:

    No more text message remains onscreen after a phone call.
    Enemy declaration messages are now opportunely displayed.
    Hint messages are displayed on time.

    CIA Faction : missions are no more rewarded when not accomplished by Saul.
    Suicide guy mission : once Saul fails this mission, it disappears from the mission list.
    Minor problems which led to impossibility to complete some missions are now solved.

    Graphical issues during the character’s death animation scene or NPC’s animation in cities have been fixed.

    Minor sound issues such as voiceover looping are fixed.

    Minor camera issues which were noticed during the tests have been fixed.

    Problem of user’s car which rarely remains stuck in the environment or which location was not properly displayed on the minimap are solved.

    Option do properly display for any taxi mission.

    Localization : mismatch issues have been fixed.

    Police station cannot be destroyed by a crossbow anymore.
    When Saul drops one item, only this item disappears from his inventory.


    Crashes : some rare crashes (hardly reproducable) were noticed throughout the game, and especillay when loading the quicksaves. This has been improved a lot with the patch as no crash occured.

    AI : NPC’s behaviour has been improved in this patch version. Some examples are as follows : NPC now avoid obstacles when moving, reply when being shot at, animation and position are correct.

Downloaden kan vanaf hier, maar kost je wel 75 MB.