Vandaag hebben Gearbox en Ubisoft patch 1.03 vrijgegeven voor Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30. Het heeft even geduurd voordat Ubisoft de patch goedkeurde maar met ingang van heden is de patch te downloaden en zijn de volgende problemen uit de wereld:
– Added kick feature to the MP lobby, as well as in game.
– Added player quit message to multiplayer
– Added functionality to update profiles when changing localized versions
– Improved general performance and stability
– Improved Ubisoft game service performance and stability
– Updated karma physics to prevent crash with certain AMD CPUs
– Client would always see the first map played by the server as the current map (now the current map is displayed correctly to the client).
– Fixed typos in text messages displayed in multiplayer.
– Added additional information in “Submit Bug Report” feature that should help developers track down bugs.
– Fixed inconsistency with displaying username vs. game profile name.
– Fixed an issue with game options not being saved correctly when users switch between profiles (for users with more than one game profile).
– Fixed screenshot button not working and removed most unnecessary/confusing keyboard bindings (Numpad keys causing display to rotate, for example). Screenshot is now F12. This change will ONLY take effect if you create a new profile.
– Fixed MG42 firing sound stuck in a loop when MG42 fired by AI soldiers.
– Fixed not allowing ‘-‘, ‘_’ and ‘.’ in account name.
– Fixed problem with Logitech (and other) mice locking up and not allowing the player to rotate horizontally, vertically or both, after exiting from Situational Awareness view (in single and multiplayer) or Promotion (in multiplayer).
Wellicht de belangrijkste reden om de patch te downloaden is het feit dat gamers met een AMD-processor nu wel ongestoord van de game kunnen gaan genieten. Patch 1.03 is hier te downloaden.